Chp 2~ Blood Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

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I drifted in and out of consciousness, catching brief parts of conversations. From tuning in and out consecutively, I began to lose track of what was the real world and what was my dream realm. Sleep. It was so foreign to me. Such a burden really. Surely, I would pay for my mistake later. Deciding to not pay attention to what was going on around me, I let darkness take over for once. I deserved my peaceful world, my beautiful castle of dreams. Usually, it was ripped from my grasp by my haunting nightmares. But this time, I knew I would have a good night's rest.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of silence, my eyes fluttered open. My hazy gaze met the ceiling. Trying to erase the grogginess that surrounded my body, I blinked my eyes and was surprised to see that medical supplies were littered on the counters and at least seven jars contained a handful of bandages, cotton balls, and band aids. I realized I was laying on a cot, not the kind you see in hospitals with the sheet of paper over it but the thin mattress kind you find in cheap hotel room. No way was I anywhere near home.

I hastily pulled the linen covers off my body and sat up. Immediately, a stabbing pain sliced across my lower abdomen. I let out a gasp and winced. Lifting up my shirt, I finally noticed the blood stained bandages wrapped tightly around my torso. I bit my lip, trying to forget the pain. But some things you just can't forget, no matter how hard you try.

I settled for making the best of it and hesitantly entwined my fingers within the bandage and began working them off. The process was slow and a new bolt of pain came everytime I lifted the saturated cloth from my seeping wound. I swallowed and closed my eyes. I would get through this.

Eventually, the grip the bandages had on my body got looser and I was able to pry them off. When my eyes rested upon my wound, a frown made its way to my face. My pale skin was stained red, inflamed and puffy around the edges of the cut. The incision was small, but deep. I could feel the hole that ripped through my tissue, tearing my flesh. I knew this was my fault.

Grimacing, I timidly pulled the silky material off my injury and lightly traced my fingers over the gash. Flinching, I made sure I was gentler and lightly pressed on the skin. I knew my mother would be disappointed it came to this. I glanced warily at the small incision. No, I can't.

The last time I had used it, it was for an emergency situation. All the local healers were on duty and a traveling shinobi had gotten hurt in a fight. If someone couldn't heal him, his injury could've turned fatal. The last thing I wanted to do was rely on my power to save someone's life.

I weighed the odds. The worst I could do was kill myself, which I already tried to do and landed me a spot here. Wherever here was. I figured it was worth a try. Still, the very idea scared me to witts end. I was not the kind of person afraid of death but I was terrified of power. Power was an evil, all-consuming sin. Nothing scared me more than myself.

 I finally gave in and masked my face with false courage. Squeezing my eyes shut, I imagined what my wound looked like in my mind. I pictured the torn skin, my gash. The blood flowing through my veins. The blood that connected me to things I wish I never knew.

I felt a tingling sensation start to take place, one that symbolized healing. I let out a sigh of relief, and opened one of my eyes. The wound was healed, no scar to even prove that it ever existed. Using my ability felt strange, and honestly I had only used a handful of times.

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