Chp 6~ A Stroll Through The Park

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We set a brisk pace as we made our way back to the Akatsuki hideout. Taking a different route from our earlier trek, we roamed through the more desolate areas of the Fire Country. We passed many fields, and I looked on in pity as the men and woman arched their backs to pick the year's harvest.

Wondering how they could undure such hardships, trying to support their family, and give whatever the could, I sent my blessings out to all of them. I knew what it felt like to be looked upon in pity, hatred, and fear, but never was I so unfortunate not to have a roof over my head.

I had never experienced poverty, having been born into a wealthy family; one that seemed to rule the small village where I was born in. I was treated poorly, but that doesn't mean my surroundings were shabby. My family's compound had many lavish rooms, sometimes housing very important people within its contents.

Growing up in a small village, named Tokaichi, meaning City of Blood, I came from a long line of blood manipulaters, hence the surname, Ketsueki. But just like the sharingan, the rare bloodline limit was only inherited by select members of the clan. Unfortunately, the kekkei genkai was even more unique than other blood traits, and was only passed down every few generations.

The unlucky people that were unfortunate enough to posses the power, were viewed as monsters; to their own family, and from the hostile villagers. In the past, many of the kekkei genkai users used their power to their advantage, going as far as to making the entire clan bow under their rule. Taking advantage of their abilities, this caused their own family to start loathing them, and wanting to dispose of their power hungry attitudes.

Speaking of power hungry, all of a sudden, there was a faint growl coming from Kisame's stomach, and I stifled a giggle.

"Someone's hungry, eh?" I suggested, raising my eyebrow teasingly.

"Sorry, but walking takes a lot out of me" Kisame mused.

"We're almost at civilization, we'll stop to eat soon, don't worry" Itachi confirmed, waving his hand absent mindedly.

I rolled my eyes, and we continued down the path of life. My senses alert and focused, I started to recognize some of the biomes around us. My heart rate increasing, I prayed to Kami that we weren't headed where I thought we were.

Holding in any urges of turning around, and high tailing it for the hills,I marched on. Memories of my past begun flooding my mind like a tidal waves; causing a ruckus in my brain. Buried emotions were dug, being reawakened for the first time in a couple months. Being so preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't even realize we had reached the village. My old village.

Having ditched our disguises, I worried about being spotted. Trying to cover my face with my hair, I self consciously took a look around. Waves of unsteady feelings seeped into my gut, and caused a big knot in my lower stomach. My throat dry and parched, I gulped.

Looks the same as it use to..I uneasily comprehended.

"Mayumi, are you coming?" chimed Itachi, impatiently tapping his foot.

"Sorry, Itachi" I responded, and rushed off to catch up with him.

We strolled through town at a leisurely speed, but I couldn't but want to get the hell out of there. Trying to to increase my foot speed, I whizzed passed Itachi and Kisame, leaving them both in the dust. Confused, they tried to draw my attention.

"Wait up, Mayumi!" Itachi called after me, jogging to meet up with me.


Oh fuck, why me...I froze in place, and shivered at the voice behind me.

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