"Anytime, before I go this is yours." She emptied the apron full of money. "Tips!"

Sarah was shocked, "Jesus Christ, I may have to have you come back! Big tips for the pretty girl."

"I don't think it was me," she said, "I think it was the dress! My feet are killing me." She came and sat next to me.

"You've earned this drink up!" Sara said slamming a bottle down in front of us, then walked over to help another customer.

Grey Goose, when was the last time I had that?

"Share with me?" Jennifer said reaching over the bar to get two glasses.

"Sure" I said.

She poured me and herself a shot. When another, and another, and another, and another. I stopped after six but she kept going. I don't know how she was standing.

I was more than a little concerned, "Maybe slow down with the drinks love?"

She shook the bottle of Grey Goose seeing if there was still some in there and said," Not until it's gone". I pushed the bottle behind the bar and that seemed to confuse her. I took her keys out of her purse. Not able to find the bottle she made her way out to the dance floor with Nate and Josh. Josh came over to the bar and decided to sit with me.

"They're a funny pairing" Josh said getting a drink.

"I couldn't agree more," watching them dance like no one was in the room. I like seeing Jennifer carefree and having fun.

"I don't mean to pry but are you two dating or something? I've never seen Nate so defensive" Josh asked.

Well she's my wife.

"Kinda, we're in a weird place" I said.

At that moment the DJ came on the speakers and said," Let's make some noise for Jennifer and Nate, who just graduated college!" The crowd cheered. He then continued to say," And let's also give it up for Katie who just dropped out!" That got a huge crowd response.

"You'll get used to it, it's like buy one get one free, with them. It's kind of adorable" Josh said.

I looked back over to Jennifer and saw that guy again. Except this time, he was trying to dance with her. No not dance grind against her, Nate was not having that and pushed him away. The man slapped his hand away and pulled Jen closer to him.

Okay now he's going to die.

I walked onto the dance floor to her and pulled her arm towards me. "Fuck off, man. She's not interested in you!" Jennifer wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. Drunkenly she said, "Not interested."

The man stepped up to me and I moved Jennifer to Nate side ready to fight him. "What part of piss off don't you understand?" The man said.

"Probably the same as you."

And that point Michael showed back up with a pink boa around his neck and a plastic tiara on his head. He poured his drink on the man. "Fuck off, creep". The man swung his arms to punch Michael but he dodged it. I punched him in his ribs then in the face. Jennifer tackled him from the side making him go down hard into the wall. She lost her balance and tripped over her heel.

The Dream Team

"Security scatter!" Nate yelled.

Not needing to be told again we all ran for different doors. I picked Jennifer up off the floor and headed for the back entrance. We made it to her car with no security behind us. Opening up the passenger door to put her in but she didn't want to let go of my neck, not that I minded.

"You smell ssssoooo good, don't let go!" She said as I shut her car door. I came around to the driver's side and got in to start driving to her house. Jennifer had other plans as she climbed on to my lap and started grinding against me.

Yes, fuck yes! I wanted to take her right here in the car in this parking lot. But, she was drunk. I didn't want her to regret being with me in the morning. So I put her back in the passenger seat and put on her seatbelt. I called Michael to see if he made it out he did. He told me they were going to drop him off at the hotel, and that Nate was going to stay at Josh's.

It's just you and me, love.

We listened to music on the way home. Jennifer passed out she drank harder than most men I know.

When we made it to the house it was late, I carried her inside and saw Yvonne sleeping on the couch.

Was she waiting up for Jennifer to come home?

As soon as the door completely opened she was up. "Oh my, is she ok?" Yvonne said rushing towards me.

I looked down at Jennifer and said, "Yeah, she's fine, just had a really strong drink. Too much for her small body" I said. Yvonne put her finger under Jennifer's nose just to make sure she was breathing. When she confirmed that she was, she led me upstairs to put her in her bed.

Her room was average size with red walls, a king size bed, with a cherry wood desk in the corner, next to a TV mounted into the wall. There was a shelf full her video games, textbooks and comic books.

I put her down in the bed and took off her heels. This is déjà vu, like the first night she was at Main House. I tucked her into bed and turned to face her mother. "Thank you" she said.

"It's no problem," I said walking for the door. Yvonne exited her room and shut the door behind her. I started to walk down the stairs ready to leave when I heard her call me from the top of the stairs.

"Adam, stay the night we have plenty of guest rooms" Yvonne said softly.

"Are you sure? I can leave" I said.

"Nonsense, it's three in the morning, get some sleep. Too many drunks on the road anyway at this hour" she said waving me up the stairs. She led me to a bedroom two doors down from Jennifer's room.

"Good night," she said and disappeared down the hallway. I walked into the room and saw a king size bed that was calling for me. I strip down to my underwear and got in. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now