Give Me Sanctuary

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Chapter 11

I didn't know how far I had run or where the hell I was. All I knew was I was exhausted and the adrenaline that had been pumping around my body had worn off. I found a nearby bench and sat down to try and catch my breath. . All the spy movies I had seen flashed to mind telling me this was probably a stupid idea but my legs were killing and every muscle in my body ached. I was bone tired and freezing cold.Sitting on the bench I thought to myself what am I going to do? I have no money, no phone, no ID and not a single ally. 



Where do people go when they have nowhere else to go?

 And just then, I heard bells. Not just any bells, church bells.

The Church!

Eight years of Catholic education taught me ' not to be a dick to the needy'. I don't think they could turn me away. I have to try staying out in the open like this I wouldn't last long. I started to lightly jog in the direction of the sound of the church bells. Just when I thought I would never find it- there it was. I sprinted to the entrance and started banging on the doors yelling, "Father, please! Save me!!" Tears stained my face "Please!"

No one was coming.

Just when I felt all hope was lost the door swung open. A man, clearly the priest in about his fifties answered speaking in French, I looked at him defeated pleading, "English, I don't know French".

Damn me! For taking Spanish for four years!

I just said help over and over again. He looked around me and then said, "Come, come". He led me into the church and closed the door behind me.

Thank you, God!

The priest lead me to the front of the church, he motioned for me to sit in the front pew. He didn't have to tell me twice. Using the best English he could he said, "I go. Make" and then he motioned like he was eating an apple.

"Food?" I said, smiling he nodded. I didn't need food I needed to get back home. I needed the police. I needed a plan.

Waiting for the priest to return I looked around the church it has a simple design with its flying buttresses, with lots of pews that led up to an altar. At the center of the altar was a statue of Jesus Christ on the cross. Looking at him made me feel guilty. When was the last time I went to church and it wasn't Mother's Day, Christmas or Easter.

The priest returned with a bowl of soup, smiling thankfully I took the bowl and ate I was hungrier than I realized. The priest said something in French, I could make out that he wanted to know my name? So, I pointed to myself and said, "Jennifer, American, Kidnapped, Police."I think he understood my name and the American part, because he pointed to himself and said, "Father Ferreira". And I think he said Italiano.

At least we had the basics; and now finally a moment to feel safe.

Not with my luck. The doors burst wide open, nearly off their hinges with armed men flooding the church. Before I could even react, two men grabbed me. One held my arms the other my feet. I would not go down without a fight. I kicked, screamed and bit the men. I did everything in my power to wiggle free. I kicked the man restraining my feet square in the balls. He was down and out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Adam and Michael standing in the doorway. The guard that had my arm had enough. He picked me up and threw me to the ground knocking the air out of my lungs and winding me. Coughing and gasping for breath I tried to crawl away. The man twisted my arm behind my back and drilled his knee into my spine until I cried out in pain.

"Enough!" A booming voice echoed out around the church. The man immediately got off me."Get in the car, NOW, both of you! You let that little girl over power you! BOTH of you should be ashamed!" It was Adam's voice. Still coughing, I turned myself over onto my back. "Yes, sir" both men said and walked quickly out of the church.

Coughing, I turn myself on my back. I heard Michael talking to the priest who I guessed tried to help me. Adam stood above me and then kneeled down. Gingerly, he wiped the strayhairs off my face and tried to help me up. 

But why

He took off his jacket and wrapped around me. Taking my chin in his hands and made me look at him, he was so close I could smell his cologne.

 God he smells good.

What did it matter; I was going to die.

In gentle apologetic tone he said, "I'm not going hurt you I swear. I heard you had a rough trip getting here. It won't ever happen again. . As long as you are mine" he said holding up a needle, fear ran through me, "This won't happen again, you're the only person who doesn't need to fear me."

He threw the needle to the floor. "Okay" I said weakly still finding it uncomfortable to breath. He then preceded to get even closer to me picking me up bridal style to carry me out of the church. 

Ashamed of my own weakness I whispered, "You're not going to kill me?"

"No, if I wanted you dead Miss Faust you would have never have made it on to the plane."

Outside the church he very gently placed me in to one of the six waiting SUV cars parked up. Each I'm sure filled with more bodyguards. Our car was empty. Adam shut my door, and turning back to the church yelled for Michael, "MICHAEL, let's go!" Michael came running out of the church and slid behind me in to the back seat. Adam sat next me leaving a little room between us. He tapped the driver on the shoulder and said," Main House". The driver got on to a walkie-talkie and said, "Roll out, Main House". The two cars in front of us started to move and so did we. I looked outside my window and saw Father Ferreira standing there baffled at what just happened.

Me to Father me too.

I looked over to Adam ready for a fight when I feel a sting at my neck.

"Oww, you son of a--"

I started to fall asleep, again! My eyes became heavy in my breath became shallow.

"Michael!" Adam yelled turning to face Michael, "I told you no. What part didn't you understand?"

"She would have run again! Her stunt has put us all in danger how can you--".

Just before I blacked out I prayed that I would wake up again.

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