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Chapter 10

Now hyperventilating and in a state of pure panic I stumble backwards away from the door. Looking at Michael the monster beside me realizing, "No, this is a trap you're going to kill me no matter what!"

The men inside the room were coming to get me. Now, was the time to run! Adrenaline spiked through my veins, I was able to get away from Michael. I ran aimlessly around the house looking for any way to get out. If they caught me I would end up just like Tony.

Just keep running, just keep running, don't stop just keep running.

I found the front door but it was locked. I saw the terrace. Yes, ground level. It was only a couple of feet off the ground so I jumped and landed on my feet. I snaked around the house until I met an outer that I had seen from the helicopter. It was completely covered with thorns. Damn it! Frantically, I ran further along the mansion walls looking in the distance I saw a gate free from thorns and open. To reach the gate I would have to cross a very open space and now every light surrounding the mansion had now been turned on in search of me. This was going to be my only shot of getting out of here, thankful I wore my flats I ran for gate like I was Usain Bolt. I could hear someone was getting close to my location, but I didn't dare look back.. I was grabbed by the waist a strong man in all black tried to subdue me I threw my head back and hit him right in the nose. Wiggling away I made it to the open gate. Now what left or right, which way do I go? With no idea what direction I should head for just figuring that as I was right handed. I should try that way --- so going to the right.

I escaped! 

Now, all I had to do was keep running and find help.

Screaming at the top of my lungs I yelled "Help, Help! A madman is going to kill me! Help!"

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora