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Chapter 38


The air was knocked out of my lungs, glass was sprayed everywhere. I looked back to Michael who was starting to get to his feet. He helped me up and I said, "Terrorist or Sliske?" The fire alarm started to go off.

"Both are the same to me" Michael said.

Another explosion went off towards the back of the house. The kitchen was in the back, Kairi was back there! I quickly pushed pass Michael and darted for the kitchen. The explosions were coming from outside of the house. But, it was still too close for my liking.

What if she wandered outside?

Everyone was rushing towards the front door in a panic to get out. I forced my way to the back of the house. When I finally made it to the kitchen I yelled for her. "KAIRI! sweetie, I need you to answer me!" The kitchen was destroyed and on fire. Dust and smoke was everywhere.

"I'm here" I heard her little voice say. She was in the pantry I swung the door open and saw her holding a black duffle bag.

O my god!

She was holding a bomb. "Jennifer, I'm scared, I think this is a..." she was starting to freak out. I don't know a lot about bombs but I do know you don't want to shake them.

"No, no, no! Kairi, I need you to focus and stay calm. Focus on me, I know you're scared but I need you to be a big girl right now." I knelt down "Kairi we're going to put the bomb down slowly, very, very, slowly." Her face was full of terror and I'm sure mine was too, but she did exactly what I said. As she started to put it down a green light flicked on. She and I saw a green light flick on.

So it has to be kept upright.

"Kairi you're going to give me that. Okay? Then you're going to run outside to the front and find your Dad. Ok. We're going to switch, on three?"

"I'm scared". She was breathing hard and sweating.

"I know, I am too but we have to be brave. Just like how you did in dance in class. You can do this too. It's just you and me. 1...2...3."

We carefully switched places and then another explosion went off. That was closer. Kairi clinched to my dress petrified with fear.

"Kairi, I need you to go find your Dad and tell him where I am okay? I'm counting on you to be my little accomplice. Tell him I'm holding a bomb and I need help." I tried to stay positive and confident she can do this.

She was scared but she got up and made her way to the front door.

What the hell are you thinking? Who picks up a bomb! Me apparently!

I sat there scared and panicked.

Breathe, girl I 100% need steady hands. Think of something calming!

I was coming up blank. My arms were getting tired. How long will I be here? Hell, how long did I have left to live? All I can do is wait.


Where the hell was she? Where's Kairi?

Brandon and I tried to get as many people as we could out of the venue as soon as the first explosion went off. I looked for Kairi and Jennifer in the crowd of people but I had no luck seeing them. Brandon was losing his mind with worry.

"Two seconds, I take my eyes off her for two seconds and this happens! She could still be in the castle I have to get back in there." I stopped him. "We don't know if there's another bomb, it's not safe. Killing yourself isn't going to help." A lot of people were dispersed I hadn't seen Michael walk out with us. But he did call and say he was on the other side of the property with Mom, Rodger, Nate and some other people.

The fire department and the police arrived.

"People are dispersed, she's with Jennifer. She is safe." I tried to reason with him. "How can you be so calm! Kairi is missing!" He yelled.

"AND SO IS MY WIFE! You don't thinking I'm not scared too. I have to believe their OK or I end up like you." I shouted back.

"KAIRI? KAIRI! It's her!" he pointed. She was talking to one of the fire fighters who quickly picked her up and moved her towards the crowd. When he put her down she ran to Brandon with tears in her eyes. Brandon was on the edge of tears to. He was more relieved than anything, but, she kicked to be put down and walked over to me.

"I told the firefighter where Jennifer is" she said.

I knelt down to see her, "Where? Where Kairi? Tell me where?"

One of the police officers came towards the crown and announced first in French and then in English ," This area is compromised we are evacuating the premises. Please calmly evacuate the premises."

"I'm sorry I thought it was a toy! I didn't know"

"Know what Kairi? Tell me where Jennifer is?" I was begging her.

"She's in the house, in the pantry."

Brandon asked, "Is she hurt? Is that what you told the firefighter?"

She looked at her father and said, "No she's not hurt, she took it out of my hand, and she's holding it."

"Holding what?" I asked.

"The bomb".

Just then the top level of the house started to collapse from the fire.

No, no, no, no, no, no

I started to run towards the house. But, I was side tackled by Michael to the ground. "What the hell are you doing? This is some next level dumb shit. What the fuck!"

I pushed him off of me throwing him to the ground and I punched him. Michael got me right in the side.

My mother ran up to us yelling," Stop it! Stop! Stop! Your killing each other!!!" Brandon's body slammed me to the ground, then we stopped. "Calm down!" Brandon said.

"We can't stay here if what Kairi says is true; we passed a bar on our way here. Let's round up these people and go there "Brandon said I ignore him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder," Darling, let's wait across the street? Hmm?" It was mom "We can wait there. The police will get her out."

"Yeah, OK" she took my hand and we started to walk.

"What do we do about the people you can't just leave? We need you." Michael said.

My mother turned her head still walking with me to the street and said,"Just for tonight, let's let your father, take control of the situation. I think Adams shaken up, boys."

We waited and for the first time in a long I prayed.

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