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Chapter 6

Trying to stay cool, calm and collected I said "I'm not worth 12 million I think you should be looking for Bill Gates or maybe Elon Musk?"

Chuckling Adam said, "That may be true, but your father's pharmaceutical company is worth that and more. I'm here to make money Miss Faust--"

I cut him off, "It's Jennifer or Jen"


"My name is Jennifer, and that's what I want too."

Nodding his head in approval he said, " OK, then let's get to it".

"How old are you?" He asked

"24, born April 15th 1993".

Adam continued,"Do you smoke?"


"Drug? Hard or soft?" He asked.

"No, Drugs at all".

"Have you ever been convicted of a felony?"

"No, wait! I did get a speeding tickets once dose that count?"

Grinning Adam said, "No"

"Metal health problems?"

"I double majored in Biology and Chemistry with a minor in Mathematics."

There's that smile again.

"Children? Boyfriends or Girlfriends? STD free?"

"No. No. Yes", He was quiet for a moment."So how did I do?" I asked nervously this is one test I couldn't fail.

He looked down at his desk then back at me. Was there apprehension in his eye? It was only there for a moment and then it was back to business.

"I will allow your father to have a payment plan for Nick's indiscretions "Adam said I breathed a sigh of relief only for him to take me off guard with "But, you will become my wife."

My eyes bugged out,"Par-don?"

"Your father can pay me back the money but I need insurances that he isn't going to try and rat us out to anyone. He will need to pay us back in product four times over. Once I have what's owed to me we' can get a quick divorce and part ways. Believe me when I say there are other ways to make a pretty girl pay. It is this or I'll destroy the whole company.

He was right.

"Do we have a deal, Miss Faust?" Adam asked. 

I knew I did not have a really option,"Yes".

As soon as I said yes the screen went black, a cell phone rang in the next room it had to be James or Ross's. I heard my father's muffled voice get angry. I got up and walked towards the door when James grabbed me by the arm and push me towards back door. Something pinched my arm and my world went black.

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