How Dose That Work

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Chapter 39


I don't know how long I sat in that pantry. The bomb squad showed up and immediately took care of the situation. I felt the house caving in but they still did their job and didn't leave me. They are the only reason I'm walking out now. I had to give a statement, saying what happened and they gave me a blanket.

Is this the I'm in shock blanket?

I walked across the front yard past the police tape. My arms hurt. It was dark outside the cold air whipped at my skin.

"Bitch!" I saw Nate across the street behind the police blockade there was a huge crowd of people. I ran to him. He wrapped me up in a big bear hug.

"Everyone's at a bar down the street less than a minute away. Can you walk? Or do you want to Uber there? Celine had to beg Adam to go there. He wanted to run into the castle for you. But, his brothers stopped him. It was like family Jerry Springer moment."

"It's amazing the things you'll do for a cash cow." I said bitterly. "Let's walk."

We walked in silence. I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot. We made our way to the bar. When we pushed in the door everyone was here. Adam and Celine were sitting next to each. She looked like she was trying to console him Roger sat across from them. Brandon was holding Kairi who sat on him lap and Michael was at the bar drinking. The place with small but even with our small group we filled up the place.

"Jennifer!" Kairi came to me crying, seeing that she was safe made me cry too. I scooped her up and she nested in the crook of my neck holding tightly saying," They said you were dead but I knew you couldn't be! I told Nana and Papa that."

Adam came up to me trying to pull me close to him and hug all my problems away.

"No!" I said harshly and loud. I put Kairi down. "No, I'm done with the lies and the secrets. I'm done!"

Hurt he said, "I haven't lied to you."

Adam was quiet and Michael jumped up from the bar and said," Let's continue this outside?" And lead us both to the sidewalk.

"Ok you two, what's going on between you?" Michael demanded. "One minute the brides crying in the hallway, the next explosions are going off, and then I'm fighting my brother in the front yard because he wants to run into a place with a bomb. Figure your shit out now!"

"When you saw the roof cave in did you think,' Damn I should have charged her dad more'." I said as vindictively as I could.

"What? No, I was terrified you were dead!" Adam said

"Ooh because you care, right, bullshit and lies. Did you think I wouldn't find out? About the interest? Tell me the truth!"

"Yes, at first I was going to take your dad for everything he was worth, but, I changed my mind and I wanted to do things right for by you."

"Bullshit! Doing it right; is honoring your word!" You say your word is your bond but it's all fake. You lied, to emotionally manipulate me? Keep me under control?"

"No! I love you that much is real I never faked that." Adam said

"It doesn't matter, we are finished here. Unlike your word, mine actually means something. I came here, I married you our deal is done. I'm going home to my parents and I don't ever want to see you again." I said as I stared to walk away.

"Wait, please understand. Everything I have done is for the protection of my family; I only did what I did because most of my shipments weren't coming in. Your father's company was the only one that could make port. I had to increase his shipments, not because I wanted to but because of our survival. Tell me what I can do to make this right?"

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