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Chapter 35


"It's today, Bitch" Nate yelled as he entered my room waking me up. "Celine has left me in charge of you so it's time to get up!"

"No" I said. I stayed up late last night texting Adam. I'm glad he's a night owl too.


"I let you sleep in as much as you can it's a three and a half hour drive from here!" He said shaking the bed.

I shot off the wedding "What!?" I checked my phone to make sure he wasn't playing. A quick Google search confirmed we were 3 hours and 18 minutes away.

I ran into the bathroom. Nate yelled through the door "Luckily for you I got coffee from Starbucks I even had them write 'Bride' on it. Celine bought this bride running tracksuit for you. I have one too".

After a quick shower, face washed and teeth brushed I came out and saw the bright pink jumpsuit. It had the word 'Bride-To-Be bejeweled on the back. I changed into it quickly in front of Nate and we ran out the door. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" I yelled to him in front of me. We started down the stairs and I saw Thomas, "Good morning, we're late!"

Thomas quickly said, "The car is out front ma'am". We ran to the car but I didn't see the SUVs I saw an Aston Martin Vanquish. I stopped. "Thomas where are the cars?"

"This is it, let's go!!"Nate said. Thomas drove, Nate was in the front passenger seat and I was crammed in the back. "Make this car go as fast as it can! I can't be late!"


I messed with my cufflinks as we sat in traffic. We were 45 minutes behind schedule. The highway was closed off because the Prime Minister of Turkey was visiting.

"You look so handsome" my mother said smoothing my hair beaming with pride. She had ordered a stretch limo for us to travel together is so Michael, Brandon, Rodger and Kairi were all there with me.

"Is that a new watch? That's not your normal Armani" Mom said.

"Christmas gift from Jen."

Kairi was getting fidgety it was a long car ride for her. She was going back and forth in between the windows looking out. Michael and Brandon were going to be my best men. Rodger could fuck off and Kairi was the flower girl.

"Are you nervous?" Mom asked.

"No" and it was true. I love Jennifer, and her confession yesterday just proved it more. She just needed time; I have all the time in the world. She wanted to work, so be it. Medical School may be a challenge for us with the hours but I've seen her grades, an A student with a few B's, she could go anywhere. I would make it work.

I poured my mother and myself a drink.

"Cheers" we both said clinking glasses.

"You look beautiful, mom. Are those new?" I asked pointing to the pearls. " I've never seen you wear pearls."

She smiled and said, "Jennifer gave them to me. She said something about your only suppose to get pearls on special occasions. I think it's a Midwestern southern thing. I like them."

"Daddy, look its JEN", Kairi said still looking out the window.

"No, it's not sweetheart she's in another car remember? We talked about this." Brandon said not looking up from his tablet.

Michael went to the same window and said, "Nope, that's definitely her."

And as soon as I looked out the window I saw her running with Nate winded and panicked.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя