Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda.

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Chapter 19

"How do you know?" I asked shocked.

"Because every guard employed here works a shift of four days on and five off. You have only been here four days". He said as he walked over to the dresser and pulled out a drawer reached in and pulled out a Grand Power K100.

Whose room was I staying in? Aileen Wuornos?

He offered me a hand up, and I took it. On weak legs, I stood. Holding hands, we walked towards the hallway. But, before he opened the door he gave me his cell phone.

"Use it if you have to".

I nodded.

"I'll go first, wait a little, and then go", and with that he was gone.

Women up. 

Women up, I can do this. 

Fall apart later.

I put the gun in my hoodie pocket and stepped into the hallway looking both ways, it was clear. As soon as I was on the ground level I became super aware of all the bodyguards and security in the house. Two men whereby the main door, another two in the living room. I went through the kitchen and saw one more. It only took me about three minutes to get to the basement, but every step felt like an eternity. When I had finally made it safely to the basement I realized I had been holding my breath. I inhaled and exhaled and made a mad dash for one of the storage rooms that I found earlier in the morning. I threw the door open then locked it behind me. I kept the lights off and pulled the gun out; taking the safety off ready if needed.

I sat on the floor waiting, praying that Adam was wrong.

Please, let him be safe. 

Please, let Kairi be safe.

I repeated this Mantra in my head. The phone in my pocket that Adam had given me buzzed to life and rang.

I decided to take the call.

Whispering low I said, "Hello?"

"Okay your wish is my command, we are 100% locked down. I can see in every room."


"Brandon it's Jen, Adam gave me his phone".

I heard typing, "I see you in the storage room, no one's in the hallway. Your area is clear. Michael will be passing by you soon. I'll let him know."

Looking around the room I saw a camera in the corner of the room giving off a red light.

He's watching the entire house

"Where's Kairi? Is she ok?"

"She's fine, safe in her panic room I'm watching her now".

Relief washed over my body.

"What's Adam doing? Is he ok?"

"He is checking the clock in/out times and dates, with a list of employees. What is he trying to do? That's strange, housekeeping files would be low on my list of things to do".

"He's looking for whoever sent me this letter."

I told Brandon everything about the letter and photos.

Blonde, someone with blonde hair was in my room.

I quickly told Brandon someone was in my room the first night I was here.

"I thought it was Michael, but now I'm not so sure."

"Ok let me check your room's activity" Brandon said.

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