I'm Sorry

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Chapter 41


When we reached cruising altitude and it was safe to move around the cabin I took Kairi to change into the clothes I got her. On the way to the bathroom everyone complimented her on her dress and how cute she was.

We walked back to our seats Adam stood to let Kairi in but he purposely tried to block my way. I started to squeeze past him but the plane shook and threw me into him. He quickly wrapped his arms around me, "Doesn't this feel more comfortable, love, you in my arms."

I pushed him back and got to my seat, "As comfortable as being crucified". I threw back at him. He gave me a light laugh.

I pulled out Kairi's tray and set up her coloring books, she was happy to let me watch her. Adam was on his phone, Brandon was playing with his tablets doing something with code and Nate had fallen back asleep. The stewardess came by asking us for our drink order. I didn't need to speak French to understand the universal language of flirting. She put her hand on Adam's shoulder and laughed at everything he said.

This is the longest drink order in the entire history of in flights.

Adam motion to me and reached for my hand. I pulled my hand back thinking he's got some nerve.

The woman finally looked to me and I said," I will have the strongest drink you have." I didn't care if it was 7 in the morning I wanted a drink. I turned to Kairi about to ask her what she would like, when she spoke to the woman in French.

"Kairi" I said," You speak French?"

"Yes, but I like English more."

"Tell her what other language you speak," Adam chimed in.

"Mandarin, because my Mommy spoke it", she said not looking away from her coloring book.

Completely blown away I said," That's amazing." She showed off her talent to me saying a couple of sentences in Mandarin and then switching back to French.

Jesus what was I doing at that age --- watching Pokemon.

The stewardess came back with our drinks and said something else to Adam in French. Kairi put down her crayons and said," I want to go to the hotel too!"

Oh is that what they we're talking about. She didn't waste any time. Good luck to you.

Adam put his hand on my knee and said," She offered but I declined if you're wondering. I'm a happily married man."

I crossed my legs moving his hand and sipped on my whiskey. "You can do whatever you want; it makes no difference to me". Kairi soon got bored with her coloring book and started to play on her new tablet. She was playing some story game with her headphones on. I finished my whiskey and Adam said, "Another?"

"No, I'm good" I said coldly.

"How long are you going to be mad at me?"

"I'm not going to argue with you on a plane. You know what you did was wrong."

"Yes, and I've apologize for it and made the situation right. It will never happen again. Tell me what I have to do to make this right."

"First, you've never apologized, and second you can't buy back trust." I was starting to get mad all over again.

"I'm sorry, that my actions hurt you and your family. It was selfish and wrong. Is that what you want to hear? I'll say it all the way from here to Sardinia." Adam said.

"Marry him, child" I turned my head to the seat behind me and saw a middle aged woman. She was eavesdropping on our conversation. Adam turned his head and said with a cocky grin, "She did, just yesterday."

I turned back around.

Adam continued talking to the woman, "My beautiful bride is mad at me."

The woman became his therapist and said, "Keep doing what you're doing, I've been married two times and they just didn't understand the power of I'm sorry."

Adam got very close to my ear so I could feel his breath on my neck and repeated, "I'm sorry."

OMG he was going to annoy me to death.

"Ok" I said snapping at him "I accept your apology, but I'm not going to forget this. And I don't trust you."

He kissed my neck and said, "I'll take that as a win" and sat back in his seat smugly.

I was finally starting to feel tired so I closed my eyes and hoped to get some rest. It already felt like it was going to be a long day. Adam kept talking to the women behind us and listening to her was like she was giving a TedTalk. I gave up on sleeping. Who was I kidding I wouldn't sleep anyway and it wouldn't be enough. I still have to sleep nightmares about that woman. I looked over to Adam and thought the nightmares aren't so bad when you are around.

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