Let Me Do This

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Chapter 32


"We're doing this", I told Nate.

Everyone had left by the time I woke up. Adam left me a note saying, 'Don't wait up.' All I could think of was that Christmas Eve Party. Ross was right, now was the time to take action. Sliske wouldn't even be expecting him, let alone me. A softer approach, would work. I just needed more information. That's why Nate and I were now searching Adam's office. Sliske wouldn't miss a chance to send a letter. So I am guessing there was an invitation somewhere in this room.

"This is crazy! He could kill you for this", He whispered yelled, but continued to look.

"Ride or die!" I called back to him, "Plus, Adam's not going to kill me or you".

I sat in his desk chair and felt powerful; I could only imagine this is what Simon Cowell felt like as he told people to give up on their singing dreams. Then, I started to go through his draws. One had a digital lock, I quick typed in the code and... JACKPOT!

"I got it!" I called out to Nate who came jogging to my side. He grabbed the stack of papers out of my hand and started to look through them, dropping the unimportant ones to the desk.

"Nope, nope, nope, no, no, nope, did you know he has your ID, passport and social security number? He said holding them up.

"Leave it; we're looking for an invitation or letter from Sliske." I said taking back the papers.

"Here! Do you still have your phone?"

"No, they took it from me" Nate admitted.

"And mine has big brother watching." I took a piece of paper off of the desk and began writing down the location and time.

Christmas masquerade ball.

"What are you doing?" Brandon said behind us.

Nate and I both jumped and I gave a small scream.


"Where did you come from?" I said trying to calm my heart down.

"The bookshelf, what are you doing?" He was not assumed.

We stayed silent.

"I could always set off the alarms and call Adam if you like?"

"No, don't!" I explained what I was trying to do.

"So, let me get this straight. You two want to infiltrate one of the top drug houses in the world, on there playing field, against Adam's better judgment, with no real plan."

"She does, not me" Nate said.

"Hey! What happened to 'ride or die'?"

"Bitch, if we go, we will DIE" Nate said.

I turned to face Brandon, "Win-Win situation. If we can find information to help you get Sliske out of your hair then you win."

"Or you get caught and killed" Brandon said.

"Then help us come up with a better plan before our window closes. You're the pro."

chuckling he said," I have ten better ideas than this one."

"We're listening" Nate said.

"Not here" then he pointed back to the bookshelf, "In my office."

He opened the bookshelf and led us though a long concrete hallway, we made so many twists and turns I would never be able to make my way back on my own. We finally made it to a dead end.

Nate leaned down to my ear and said," He doesn't know where he's going!"

Brandon hit a pattern into the wall and it opened.

"After you two". We walked in and found a tech paradise the warehouse was covered with desktop computers, tablets, TV's, phones, laptops and wires. Brandon's desk was on a raised Chrome platform. Everything was very open. It looked like we were about to hack the white house.

"Welcome, to 404 House."

"Your house is the error house?" I said.

"People only come here if they have a technical error so it seemed appropriate at the time. Let's sit please." We walked up the stairs.

We moved around a mess of hard drives and sat on a metal bench in front of Brandon's metal desk. "So if you two are up for the challenge, here's a real plan. If you can get into the party and plug my rubber ducky into one of Sliske computers, I can get remote access to his computer system and that's when the real fun will begin."

"Like the bath toy?" Nate asked.

"No, it's a USB stick." Brandon said like were kids, "Why do you even want to help Jen? Our business really doesn't affect you."

"I want to because Sliske is only in your system because of that woman and she was here for me. She could end up doing more harm to all of you then she ever did to me. Sliske knows who Kairi is and I'll be damned if I let him hurt her or another person in your family. It won't be long until he comes for my family too. Like Adam said you can't go in all guns blazing to get Sliske that will lead to a drug war between all the drugs house. But, your idea will make the playing field even. You hack us, we hack you. Please, Brandon, let me do this, let me go. I can do this."

Not a hundred percent completely sure he said, "Ok, but as soon as things start to go south I pull the plug and you get out."

"I'm going too, only for you, and to sit in the car, I not at crazy as her."

"Ok, shall we plan then? We only have two days and this has to be airtight."

Nate and I looked at each other then back to Brandon and said together said, "Yes!"

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