The First Chance You Get...

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Chapter 2

As I opened the door to the house I shouted, "I'm BACK" scooting backwards like Michael Jackson and singing out a couple of Hee-Hee's I entered the kitchen in a full Michael Jackson pose. Spinning around I said "I'm officially a graduate student". Then I noticed we had company.

Well, that was embarrassing.

I immediately noticed that something was off. Normally when we had company over everyone knew about it, the neighbors, the major, hell even sometimes the news. My mother and father sat on one side of our kitchen table and their two guests sat the other. These men were dressed in smart business suits; all in black.The one nearest to me stood up and shook my hand introducing himself as James. The other man followed in the same manor and his name was Ross. As we exchanged pleasantries, I looked at my parents for some kind of sign for who these men were. But, no such luck. I excused myself to leave for my room and as soon as I left they continued talking.

I can see when I'm not wanted.

Walking up the stairs past Jemma's Nursery I heard my mom's raised voice say, "Please don't." I was about to turn around and say please don't what? But, I had already opened my door and saw my room I shouted, "We've been robbed! I walked into my empty bedroom looking around shocked.

I sprinted back towards the door when I ran into Nancy our nanny. She takes care of Jemma; she has been with the family since I was a baby and has been a shoulder to cry on more than one occasion. She is an elderly woman with white long hair that she always has pulled into a ballerina bun. She was plump but with the reflexes of a cat; she blocked me from leaving the room shutting the door behind her leading me back into my room.

Whispering to me she said "Keep your voice down"

I shouted,"No!"

She gave me a stern look and then I whispered "Why?"

Before she could even answer my question my brain started turning its gears at a thousand miles an hour.

Had the men downstairs robbed us? Did they take my ?

No, that couldn't be it. If you were robbing a place you wouldn't stick around to have a chat with the owners.

Snapping me out of my thoughts with a clap of her hands, Nancy looked me straight in the eyes "Something is happening."

Now sitting on my bare bed glancing around my empty room I looked up to her and said, "Even I can figure that out!" She took my hands and told me that "You have to behave tonight, promise me? I don't want to see you get hurt or worst." This got my attention. What did she mean? Nancy took my face in the palms of her hands and said," The first chance you get to run, you run".

I was thoroughly freaked out. Run? Why do I need to run? Run from what? Run from whom? I was just about to ask her what was going on more forcefully, when my mom came through the door.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora