Whole Lotta Woman

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Chapter 17

I decided to change it to my new clothes in the bathroom of the dance center. I settled on galaxy leggings and an oversized black hoodie with black shoes. As soon as I stepped into the dance studio to sit against the wall with all the other parents Kairi's face lit up as she ran to me. Only a face that adorable could take me out of the foul mood Adam had put me in. "You came!"

"Did you think I was going to break a pinky promise?"

She gave me a hug and I gave her a big hug back.

I tried to turn her around and send her back, "You have to go back to your lesson, it doesn't look like you're done".

She gave me a big nod and said, "Uh-huh, the only part left is the mommy and me."

Damn! Why am I the one that is constantly reminding her of her dead mother?

I looked around and saw that some of the moms were standing behind their daughters warming up. Suddenly Michael, came and sat cross-legged in front of her, "I don't know what you're talking about I can dance circles around any of these women".

Smiling she looked at him and said "Yeah, but you're not a girl." 

Adam looked down to her and said, "Are we sure about that", this made her laugh.

I turned to Adam and said, "I'm still mad at you. But, since we have a lot of time until dinner do you mind if..." I pointed to the dance floor.

"Well..." Adam started to comment.

"Please, please, please, please, please". Kairi begged jumping up and down, "I never get to stay for this part, please."

"You must be one cold SOB, to deny that face", I said trying guilt-trip him.

"What dose SOB mean?" Kairi asked inquisitively.

"Son of a baker" I responded.

Ignoring my comments he looked directly at Kairi and said, "Are you sure you want to do this? You know you hate the spotlight". 

She nodded her head fiercely saying "Yes", determinedly.

"Okay then", he said with a small smile.

The two boys sat down ready for a show. Kairi pulled me over to her spot closest to the wall and I lined up with other mom's on the side of me.A woman came to the front of the class with a huge smile and perky voice. "Okay Moms! Most of you already know what we're going to be doing but for our newcomer, welcome to our Toddleropraphy! Basically, you'll just be copying what your child is doing for 30 minutes. Then we'll break for about 10 minutes so that each parent and child can come up with a routine to show in front of the class using one special move they learn today. Okay! Ladies let's get started!"

I made a mental note that I didn't like this woman's perkiness.

Kairi was staring at me through the mirror in front of her very excited. I gave her a huge smile and wave.

I was in okay shape; this little workout would be easy.

The instructor switched on the speakers and Bruno Mars's 24K Magic came blasting into the room. Immediately, Kairi started to dance. She wasn't following any real beat just a lot of jumping and running around. But, good Lord was she moving. I kept up with her pretty good through the first half of the song.

Where did she have all this energy from!

It ended and I finally was able to catch my breath. Kairi turned and looked at me clearly she was having the time of her life. I did a little math if each song is around 3 minutes and 10 seconds then I only had the last for 10 songs.

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