I'm Not Some Damsel-in-Distress

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Chapter 26

I took a quick shower, straightened my hair to make it look shiny and did my make-up very lightly. I walked into the walk-in closet.

What to wear?

I picked a black dress, blazer, flats and nude tights.

As I left the closet, I paused at my purse. I picked it up and felt the gun still in there.

Take it. Better to be safe than sorry.

I made a mental note to myself that I had to stop carrying it on me; it's not a security blanket.

But, today it is.

I left my room purse in hand and walked out of the front door; I came down the stairs and saw Adam leaning against a beautiful  black car texting on his phone.

He found it in the basement?

I pushed the idea out of my head.

"Nice car".

He lifted his head, "Beautiful isn't she, my favorite out of all the ones I own. She's one of only five in the world."

"Lamborghini?" I asked

"McLaren P1 LM".

"I know nothing about cars so I am going to act like I know what that means." He opened the butterfly door for me. Once I got in the car he walked around to the driver side. The engine roared to live and we sped off.

Speed is key.

Once we made it out of the city, Adam really took off. I looked over to the speedometer and saw 103. I put on my seat belt with shaky hands.

Breaking the silence I asked," Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, love, be patient."

"Can I get a hint?"

"Nope", he said.

"Fine, have it your way."

"I always do", I turned my head to him and he was staring at me, "Look in the glove box".

I did and found a small white box tied with red velvet ribbon "For me?" I said taken aback.

"Yes, I think you'll like it", I opened the box and found a phone with a sticky note that said 26-12-14-93.

"Really?" Excitement blurted from my voice. I reached to give him a hug.

"Don't get to excited Brandon will be monitoring everything you do on it. Every message will be monitored by him or me before being sent. Other than that it's all your."

"I don't even care about that, thank you. Thank you." I started to play with my new phone. It came with Adam's, Michael's and Brandon's numbers in it. I sent a text to my parents telling them everything that had happen in the past days; I made no mention of the murder. A few minutes later I got an error message. "What the fuck? Why can't I send this?"

Adam reached for the phone, "Hey now, eyes on the road --- no texting and driving".

"I can't tell you, if I can't read it", Adam said

"I'll read it to you:

Hey Mommy and Daddy" he chuckled. I ignored him and continued; "I'm alive and well in Paris, Villa Montmorency. Can you believe it? One thing checked off my bucket list. I'm not being tortured or held as a sex slave. Again, can you believe it? I miss you both. Give Jemma a big hug and kiss for me. Also, please let Nate, Sara and Josh know that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. Give me a call maybe?
Love you, Jennifer".

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