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Chapter 28


She fell asleep quickly.

I turned back to the monitors to keep watch on the situation. Something was going to happen tonight, I just didn't know when or where. My mind started to wander to what happened in the tree lot. As soon as the gun went off my heart sank. I don't think I've ever ran that fast in my life. All I could think was not her; please not her. But, when I reached her she was completely fine. She had Sliske and his yes men in a corner; the exact opposite of what I thought was happening. I was proud of her, but I didn't want her anywhere near Sliske. I was ready to take a bullet for her. Other than my brothers, mother and Kairi I can't think of the last time I felt that strongly about anyone.

Jennifer stirred in her sleep; I turned to look back at her. She had tossed the duvet off of her; I stood and placed it back. I couldn't help but stare at her face.

Beautiful and mine.

I stopped myself from thinking that way and returned to the screens. I wanted to focus but my thoughts returned turned back to her. To be honest I hadn't stopped thinking about her since she was locked in the basement with that bitch.

Brandon was the one to tell me, and in that moment I could have killed, I wanted to be locked down there and teach her a lesson. Torture didn't bother me. I lost count of how many times I banged on that door willing it to open even though I knew it wouldn't, that's how I designed the house. Michael and Brandon saw how unhinged I was becoming. I was always the calm and collected one, I always had to be but, that day I was a mess. Brandon gave me a tablet that showed the real feed of the basement. He had found out too late that somebody had looped the footage.

I saw her.

All I could do was watch until the power came back on. I saw her open the vent and take off her hoodie and throw it in. I saw her crawl into the box. And when that cunt had walked into the room, I couldn't breathe. I wanted to punch something, do something. I saw her pop out of the box and shoot two times and run. After, she left the room I couldn't see her anymore. But, I did see her handiwork after. One shot directly in the head. That was too generous a way to go out. I would have done much worst.

When was the last time I was so relieved? Probably today. The women had traumatized her and I thought made her deaf. But, when I saw her at breakfast she was fine, cooking even. Then when we went to my office, she seemed fine. More than fine.

I wanted her, God the things I wanted to do to her if I had my way. I was going to have her screaming my name, not just grinding against me. I didn't just want to fuck her. I wanted so much more. I wanted her eyes on me making me feel like I could conquer the world and the sweet taste of her on my lips. And I still do.

It confused me, why her? Why Jennifer? I've had plenty of women all kinds models to nuns I was no stranger to sex. But it's her that me back to the 12 year old version of myself with no control over my dick?

I tried to convince myself that it had to be the fact that her family was so easy to manipulate. Her father would pay any amount to keep her safe. I even increase the percent of product he was to give me from 5% to 8% and he gladly paid. No, it wasn't that.

Could it be her smile or wit? Or how big her heart is, she cares for everyone she meets: Michael, Brandon, Kairi, Thomas, my parents she has time for every person that she meet's . And me, even when my dad was being a douche, she was able to calm me down. That never happens.

I'm falling for her.

Oh no. A week ago, I wouldn't even be thinking like this but now.

Damn, I understood why Brandon ran off with Mira. He loved her and didn't want this world to kill her. Too bad it was her pregnancy that did her in. Mira died when I was 19, I still remember the look Brandon had when we put her in the ground.

A broken Man.

By then I was already running the business and taking care of Michael. I wanted to shut Brandon out like he did us. But, I couldn't, I wouldn't. Even 7 years apart no phone calls or anything I couldn't hate him. A few months after we buried her he came back home with a baby, no job and had completely changed. I gave him a house and job.

But, now I was thinking like him.

Jennifer turned in her sleep again. I gave up on the screen figuring if nothing had happened by now it wasn't going to. I unbutton my shirt and took off my pants and joined her in bed.

This is nice.

I spooned her. And it was like she was made for me, nothing but soft curves.

I could do this every night.

I want her. But, how do you do that? She wasn't here for her health or to be a gold digger. As soon as her father's debt was paid she would leave to go back to the states. I pulled her closer to my body.

Not unless she chose to stay here...or I'll make sure she dose stay?

I fell asleep to that thought.

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