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Chapter 34


We didn't make it back to 404 House until early the next morning. My phone had died long ago. Nate parked the car in front of the house and we hopped over the fence and walked into Brandon's house. We were both extremely tired. Nobody was here.

Weird, I thought Kairi would be excited for Christmas.

"Do you think he would care if I slept on the couch?" Nate asked.

"No, I don't think so." Not needing to be told again he quickly threw himself on the couch and tried to sleep. As I walked to Brandon's office I tore off the wig and took out the colored contacts tossing them in the trash. I made my way down to Brandon's office but didn't find him. I went through the wall hoping he would be at Main House. God, I wanted to get out of this dress it was pretty but it was kind of heavy. I opened the bookshelf door and saw everyone in Adam's office. Celine and Rodger sat with Kairi in front of the fireplace watching her open presents. Michael and Brandon sat on one of the couches and were messing with a tablet.

Did Brandon have a black eye?

Thomas was standing guard by the door and Adam sat at his desk. As soon as they heard the door open everyone's eyes turned to me. Adam was the first to reach me he pulled me into his arms and kissed me like he needed me as much as air. The kiss was deep, slow and rhythmic. He left no part of my mouth unexplored. So when he pulled away I was a bit dizzy.

He yelled, "What the hell were you thinking!" I had never seen Adam this upset before. To say he was upset was putting it mildly he was 1000% pissed. But, he didn't let me go so maybe not that pissed." Do you think you're invincible! You think you know better than me! You could have died tonight!" I leaned to the side of him and looked over to Brandon and said," Traitor" dryly.

Adam took my chin in his hand and led my head back to face his." Don't look at him! Look at. Me."

It has been a long night and I was not going to let him bully me after everything I had just gone through. I did look at him but I pushed him away too. I walked over to Brandon to give him the rubber ducky flash drive.

"Holy shit, you got it?" Brandon said.


Needing no more confirmation he all but skipped past me, to the bookshelf heading back to 404 House. I started to follow him but Adam grabbed my arm and said, "You're not going anywhere! Until you tell me what the fuck you were thinking. How could you be so reckless?"

"Hey, show the lady some respect" Rodger chimed in," She took care of business, show some gratitude".

Not liking that Adams head quickly turned to Rodger and said, "You don't get to tell me how to treat my fiancé. When I've seen you beat mom within an inch of her life. So stay out of my business."

Celine flinched; she was uncomfortable with the conversation. She picked Kairi up and walked out of the room.

Rodger threw his hands in the air and walked out.

Poor Celine. 

All she wanted was a normal family Christmas and she got this.

"What are you going to try and do? Beat me into submission? East St. Louis runs in my veins and I won't go down easy. I will bash your head in before I let you lay a finger on me in rage" I promised.

"No, I would never! I'm not him."

Tightly and frustrated I said, "I saw an opportunity I took advantage of it. I don't understand why you're getting so bent out of shape. I did this for you! Because seeing you stressed and hurt over what Sliske was doing to you hurt me. I'm trying to help you!"

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