Are You Sure?

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Chapter 47


I was late to breakfast without Thomas here to keep me on track; I took my time with the workout. I asked Adam if Thomas could have the week off to be with his wife for Valentine Day and he said yes.

I walked past everyone eating, heading back to our room for a shower, "Good morning, everyone" they said morning back. I went to the refrigerator to get some water but, Adam grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into his lap, "Good morning, love" He tried to kiss me but I pulled away.

"Eewww I'm sweaty and gross."

"Yeah, why are you disgusting looking?" Michael asked.

Adam kissed me anyway and I got off is lap, "Self defense training, I'm getting halfway good."

I got some water and started sipping on it, "She needs to know how to defend herself especially, with all this shit going on." Rodger said.

"That's adorable, you trying to fight." Michael said teasing me. He got up out of his chair and said," Fight me!"

"What? Why?" I said.

Michael continued, "Let's see if you're any good, I mean how are you going to go to Rome if you can't defend yourself? This dude could be anywhere" Michael said ominously.

"Enough, stop trying to scare her, just because you don't want us to go", Adam said.

"Your right I don't. It's an unnecessary risk when we're safe here. So humor me? Just pretend I'm the hitman."

"No" I said.

He started to walk towards me and I walked backwards into the living room.

Just do what Thomas showed you.

He started to walk towards me.

"Here? Right now?" I said.

"Yep, I'm coming for you."

"Knock it off, Michael. The fights not fair when she's only a hundred pounds and your double that." Adam said.

Michael stopped and turned back to him ," Oh I'm sorry, I had no idea the hitman was going to play fairly."

He is right about that.

If it comes down to just me and him he's going to do everything he can to get me.

Rodger chimed in, "Let her try, it'll be good practice. Plus, you boys fought all the time growing up".

"Ya, against you", Adam said bitterly.

Michael continued to get closer. "Stop" I said as intimidating as I could.

"Sorry, little thing but a stern warning is it going to stop me from getting 11 million dollars", Michael said taunting me.

He grabbed my wrist, "Got you". I squatted down into a strong stance, then leaned forward and bent my elbow towards his forearm until he couldn't hold my wrist anymore. Then, I used the palm of my hand to strike under his nose, followed by a knife hand strike to the side of his neck. That got him to back away.

"Damn, wasn't expecting that." He said holding his nose. Smiling he said, "Ok, I'm going to fight you like a man."

"Let's not do this, one of us is going to get--" and he full quarterback tackled me to the ground. He was on top me pinning me to the flood. He knocked the air out of me. Michael said, "What are you going to --." I head butted him hard.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant