Beauty and Brians

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Chapter 31


"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She said.

Hell yes! If a woman turns up at your door in the dead of night looking for you, in a very sexy nightie, you don't turn her away.

"Sure", I took her hand and led her to my bed.

Where she belongs.

She let go of my hand and sat on the edge of the bed.

Was she giving me fuck me eyes?

She started to look around my room. She was nervous. I walked over to her and lifted up her head, "What are you playing at, love?"



"Damn it", I said and walked over to my phone on the nightstand. She followed me.

"What!" I said more that pissed off. Jennifer started to kiss my neck. I wasn't so mad anymore.

"Boss, it's me, we've got a problem." Ross's voice came though the phone.

"What's happened?" I sat on the side of the bed and pulled Jennifer into my lap so she could straddle me.

"The cops are here already. The shipment can't come ashore. What do you want to do?"


"Anyway to paid them off?" Jennifer stopped kissing me, and just sat next to me. I was pissed again.

"No, there are too many here anyways. Do I send it back?"

"Where is the shipment?"

"Still in the English Channel."

"Reroute to Walmer, England and wait. Do not let this one get away."

"Got it." He didn't hang up.

"Something on your mind, Ross?"

"I've been with your family for years and I've never seen this happen. They know where and when we're coming. We need to hit Sliske back hard. With your blessing we could hit Sliske back at his Christmas Eve party. I could take a couple guys and..."

"No" I said firmly.

Jesus Christ, did he lose his mind?

I could imagine the backlash now. That would give Sliske all he needed to make a real attack against us.

"Don't, I'll think of something in the morning, focus on tonight."

"You got it." He hung up and I threw the phone against the wall. Jennifer jumped.

"Why don't you let Ross do his plan?"

"What?" She was listening.

"Ross's plan, why not" she questioned .

I leant back looking at the ceiling and said, "Because any sign of force would give Sliske and all of the other drug houses that follow him a reason to attack us. He would love it if I sent ten good men in to wipe his family out; his next move would be to do the same--"

"Ok, Rambo. Not that plan then but maybe a softer approach? Send someone in to put a bug in Sliske systems and lock him out."

Beauty and brains.

I liked her idea but I couldn't risk it.

"Can't love, he would see my men coming a mile off and who would be dumb enough to walk in to a trap like that." Smiling I looked at her and, "There's a reason he invites me every year to his Christmas Ball. He knows I can't directly touch him without killing this whole family."

"Same goes for him too", she said.

"Yeah, but enough of that lets go to bed. It's going to be a bitch of a morning."

"It is morning", she said.


I fell asleep thinking about what could have happened if I had just let the phone ring.

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