Chapter 38

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Part 3

January, 2014

"Why do we have to have this stupid party every year?" I whined. "I'd like to ring in the new year not surrounded by dozens of drunk adults for once in my life."

"You'll have your friends," my mom dismissed, pushing past me and setting the last tray of hors d'oeuvres on the table.

"And you could have stayed in LA," my dad reminded me. "Nobody forced you to come home."

"But dad, Camila's here in Miami for the holidays. Do you really think Lauren would pass up the opportunity to hang out with her alone after all this time," Chris teased.

I smacked him playfully as he walked past me and snickered, both of us knowing that he was one hundred percent right.

"Enough," my mom scolded. "Please behave tonight. Act like human beings."

"Meanwhile you'll be getting drunk with all of your friends and keeping me up until dawn," I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Are you trying to insinuate that you won't be getting drunk with your friends?" Chris asked me. "Because if you are planning to do that, please count me in."

"There will be absolutely no underage drinking tonight," my dad informed us. "And on that note, I should tell you that there will be no sneaking out, no harassing the neighbors, and making out with anyone in the middle of the living room."

"Hold on," Chris interjected. "I'm all for that rule if she's planning on making out with Luis because, I mean, let's be honest, who wants to see that?"

He turned towards me and placed a hand on my shoulder and the other behind my back, a serious expression washing over him.

"However, I will inform you that if you plan on making out with Camila, I give you permission to use my room. I'll even stay and keep a look out for any parents and/or boyfriends," he smirked.

"You're fucking disgusting," I scoffed, pushing him off of me and slapping the side of his arm. "I'm not going to make out with Camila, okay? We're over. It's done. I'm with Luis and that's that."

"Really?" he whispered, leaning in closer so that only I could hear. "Because I've never seen you dress up like this to impress Luis in the past."

I stared down at the black dress that stopped halfway down my thighs and hugged my body tightly, adorned with a pair of heels and loose waves in my hair.

"There's a first time for everything," I shrugged, feeling self conscious with his scrutinizing gaze on me.

"Yeah, like admitting to yourself that you still like Camila," he chuckled.

"Chris," my mom snapped. "Leave your sister alone and come help me in the living room."

He nudged me lightly with his elbow and leaned in close to my ear again. "Remember, my room, totally available if you need it. Mom and dad would never suspect a thing."

He winked as he walked into the living room and I rolled my eyes, happy to finally be away from his constant badgering. I heard the doorbell ring and made my way to the entryway, barely giving myself enough time to react before Alexa's arms wrapped around my neck.

"Oh my God, I missed you so much," she mumbled into my shoulder.

"Yeah, I can tell," I chuckled.

She pulled back and looked me up and down, raising her eyebrows approvingly as she took in my dress.

"You look hot," she complimented. "What's the occasion?"

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