Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

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Chocolate | 325g

Smooth Peanut Butter | 260g

Salt | 1/4 Teaspoon

Icing Sugar | 60g

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Trim twelve paper muffin cases to half of their height. Once you've done that, put the cases to the side for later. Now, place half of the chocolate in a microwavable container and microwave the chocolate for two minutes, stirring halfway through. Once the chocolate has melted, spoon it into the cases, filling halfway. Also, make sure to spoon the sides of case with chocolate until evenly coated. Now, leave it in the refrigerator until it sets.

In a small mixing bowl, mix together the peanut butter, icing sugar, and salt. Divide it into the set chocolate cases. Melt the remaining chocolate and spoon it over the top of the peanut butter filled chocolate cases. Now, leave it in the refrigerator again so that it can set.

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