Swiss Roll

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Caster Sugar | 75g

Self Raising Flour | 75

Egg | 3

Jam | 6 Tablespoons

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Light oven gas mark 5 or 200c. Grease and line a Swiss Roll tin. Place the eggs and caster sugar in a mixing bowl and whisk using electric whisk until the mixture is pale, creamy and very thick. Fold in the flour very gently with a tablespoon, then pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 7-10 minutes until golden brown and firm to touch. Sprinkle extra caster sugar over the second piece of grease proof paper. In a small bowl soften the jam by stirring. When the swiss roll is done, turn the Swiss Roll onto the sugared paper and remove grease proof paper. Trim the edges off the sponge and then spread with Jam or a different filling and roll up firmly.

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