I came back and saw everyone glaring at Daray and Brasen.  I laughed and they looked at me.

“Uh, I have a feeling your friends don’t like us very much” Brasen said.   Daray slapped him on the back of his head.  “Ow, what was that for?”  He asked, holding his head. 

“You’re not helping,” Daray said through gritted teeth. 

I laughed "They just aren’t thrilled that you’ve been running around our turf without concern, oh, shirts off, you as well Yuma.”  I said as Yuma grumbled something about ‘what, is Daray and Brasen gay’.  I just smiled.

I saw Brasen glare a bit.

“What are you talking about, ‘your turf”?”  Daray said, more interested in what I had said, all the while taking off his shirt.

As I watched him take off his shirt all I could think was ‘HELLO JACKPOT!!!’  This guys’ body was sculpted by angels.  I took a quick look at Brasen and Yuma as they took their shirts off as well.  ‘Wow, all of them are like that.  I’m going to enjoy this,’ I said to myself smirking.  I slowly pulled my eyes from all the eye candy in front of me. 

“How old are you two?”  I asked meaning Daray and Brasen. 

“We just turned eighteen not long ago, why?” Brasen said.

I sighed.  “Ryan, darling, please give them the lowdown on this shit,”  I said as nicely as possible.  Ryan nodded and I looked at Daray.  I saw him wink.  THAT PIG!  He’s acting decent because he knows who my brother is.  What an arrogant jerk!

While Ryan explained, I patched up Yuma first.  He only had a couple of scratches that needed tending to.  He studied me quietly while I worked.  When I was done I whispered “done, but be careful not to let them get infected.”

He nodded, smirking, and I glanced back to Daray glaring at Yuma.  “Thanks, so much.”  He whispered a bit seductively in my ear and I shivered. 

Remind me to spork his eye out later.  I turned around to see Daray still glaring at Yuma.  I just smirked and shook my head.  I moved to Brasen next, who had a chunk of skin missing from his forearm.  I couldn’t help but smile thinking of how over-protective my brother is.  I put some disinfectant on it and feeling him tense up gently blew on it to cool the burning.  Wrapping it with gauze I turned my attention back to what Ryan was saying. 

“There you have it.  This is our territory and we are a pack, We can excuse this because we don’t have an Alpha yet, but please next time check in with us first,”  Ryan finished politely, like he always does.

“What if we were to join the pack?”  Brasen said, and Daray hit him, yet again.  “Stop that!”  Brasen yelped.

“No fighting in my house,” I said firmly not wanting to put up with this.  They stopped and I finished up with Brasen.  Then I looked at Ryan.

“Well you would have to come if we called you and you would have access to this place at all times.”  Ryan said cautiously. 

I saw a devilish glint in Daray’s eyes.  I walked over to him and saw he needed his stomach bandaged.  I put the disinfectant on the gash in his beautiful abs.  He gritted his teeth. 

“Can we wait till the Alpha is picked.  It’s not like I won’t see them.  I even have Brasen’s cell phone number.”  I said not wanting to put up with them all the time yet.  I wrapped his stomach in gauze. 

“Yeah, that would be best,” Alick said as I silently thanked my brother. 

I grabbed an ace bandage and tightly wrapped it around Daray’s stomach. 

He winced, “think you could make it any tighter”  He finished sarcastically. 

I smiled evilly, “Woops, sorry” I countered rolling my eyes. I stood up putting everything back into the first aid kit.  I felt everyone staring at me except Alick.  They weren’t kidding when they said that my senses were enhanced.  I could even tell who was staring at me.

“Well, we better get going.”  Daray said as I stood up. 

“Ok, sorry about this whole thing, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”  I was truly sorry about the fight.

“It wasn’t your fault and thanks for patching us up.” Brasen said, “Don’t forget, one pm.” 

Daray winked and I heard all the guys growl.  Funny how I can tell their growls apart.  Before I could growl as well they were both out the door.  I sighed and flopped down on the couch beside Beau, he put an arm around me.  I leaned into him.  “So complicated,” I whispered.  Beau just patted my shoulder comfortingly.  “Alright, let’s get this Alpha business over with, I’m tired.”  I said, ready to go to bed

“Well with the way you handled yourself tonight and everything else, I say you should be the Alpha”  Ryan smirked. 

“Psh, whatever, I’m flattered that you think that but I’m sure no one else does.”  I said standing, putting a hand on my hip. 

“Well all in favor of Tala?”  Ryan said and raised his hand.  All hands except Alick’s were raised.  Alick looked like he was deep in thought.  “It looks like we have an Alpha Female,” Ryan smirked. 

I was shocked.  I’m still new, I have no idea how to do this shit, plus aren’t guys supposed to be all sexist and say girls can’t do anything.  “But…” I said in my state of shock.  Then I sighed.  “Can I sleep on it and give you my answer in the morning?”  I asked and everyone nodded.  “Goodnight guys,”  I said picking up Chaman and walking to my room.  I changed into some pj’s and hopped into bed.  I laid there drifting off to a dreamless sleep, one question floating in my head.  Could I really be an Alpha?


Ok Guys i Really Hope you Liked it.Next Chapter is Gonna Be Introducing Some characters that my Cousin and Sister Made.Oh and I HAve some Questions I Woulds like you To Awnser in your Comments Please!

First and Formost of Course did you like it and is there anything you want me to Improve on?

Second Who's POV Do you Want me to Do? Anyone Specific?

and Third Who's Your Favorite Character who's Team are you on?

Im Gonna Try and Do this every chapter to encourage you guys to comment so please Do. 

Peace love and Unicorns =D

Pshh.Werewolves Don't Existजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें