"It was you or her", Adam said softly "It's a good thing you can take care of yourself". He pulled me into the elevator and we made our way up. I focused on breathing Adam pulled me in front of him, wrapped his arm around me and rested his chin on top of my head. We reached the basement floor and walked into the hallway. Adam led me to a wall-to-ceiling landscape painting.

"Fine art?"

"Yes and no". He reached up and pressed a button hidden in the top of the canvas and the picture swung open like a door to reveal steps.

"Ladies first".

I step forward going down the stairs hearing Adam locking the door behind us. When we reached the bottom I saw a kitchenette with a bar, a sunken living room with a U shaped couch. There was a small hallway that I assume led to the bedrooms. Everything was so modern and homey it didn't look like the rest of the house. Adam led me to the couch to for us to sit. We found Michael in shorts and a basic tee, lying on the couch sprawled out.

"Hey, it's about time you two made it. What had to stop for a quickie?"

"How did you know, I just couldn't resist. You're so wrong on so many levels" I said.

"I think the word you're looking for is unique, little thing. Besides, you're the one shooting people". I flinched at that comment.

"Do we have any update on any of the manufacturing houses?" Adam said taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves.

Brandon appeared wearing black jeans and a white tee, with a laptop in hand. "Nothing worth reporting, I've been watching our security cameras. It's been a quiet night." Brandon kicked Michael's legs so that he could sit on the couch.


"What did I tell you about putting  your dirty feet on the furniture!?" Brandon complained.

"Sorry Mom, I didn't realize I turned into your baby".

I cut in," Where is Kairi? I thought I was going to be babysitting her? But, you both never showed up".

"Vernazza" I snapped my head in the direction of the voice.


He was sitting at the bar by himself nursing a beer, "Celine said something about candles she took the baby with her".

"That's a lot of trouble for some candles" I remarked.

"Nothin' you can do about it, once she's got something in her head there ain't no talkin' her out of it."

I leaned back into Adams arms and he wrapped one arm around my waist." Your mom could be a wedding planner. She could give Preston Bailey a run for his money."

A light laugher filled the room. Then silence.

"Sssssoooo, we're just going to sit in silence for the whole night?"

"Yeah" Michael said lazily, "What else would we do?"

"Family movie night!" I popped off the couch and found a bookshelf of movies.

I yelled back to everyone, "What are we in the mood for? Action, Drama, Adventure, Disney?"

"No Disney!" Brandon said, "That's all I get to watch with Kairi".

Your Name.

"If no one gives me a movie, I'll pick. Going once... going twice... Sold to me." I walked back over to the couch and asked Adam, "Is this a smart TV?"

"Yup" Brandon answered, "You need the tablet to work it."

I found it and went to work looking for the movie in English. After a few failed attempts I finally had the movie up and ready to go. I found a blanket and went back to my spot with Adam ready to start the movie.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now