I'm Not Some Damsel-in-Distress

Start from the beginning

"You can't tell them where we are".

"Okay, I'll resend it redacted" I said.

I quickly retyped my message, hoping that this time it would go through. I stared out the window a few minutes went by and we passed a Christmas tree yard.

"Can we get a Christmas tree?"

"I think that's the first thing you've actually asked for".

"What can I say it's the one time of year where everyone stops being a dick and for one day it feels like the world is a nice place. If Christmas doesn't bring love and joy into your heart you must not have one then."

"Sure, or you have to spend it with all the family. Then, none of that happens". He pulled into the Christmas tree yard parking lot. As I exited the car and started to walk towards the entrance Adam reached for my hand, and for a second it felt like we were a real couple.

Who are you kidding? Don't be desperate. Remember why your here in the first place.

"Penny for your thoughts", Adam said.

Snapping back to reality I said, "Nothing, really?"

"Remember when I told you, you were a terrible liar. You still are."

Making something up I said just, "Thinking about the wedding". Letting go of his hand I walked forward into the tree in the yard. Not hearing his footsteps behind me anymore I turned to see Adam talking to one of the employees in French.

If I'm going to be staying here I need to get Rosetta Stone or something. I have to learn French.

After he finished his conversation Adam jogged up to me and we continued to further into the tree yard. He followed my lead as we walked aimlessly around.

"How was wedding planning with my mother?"

"Great, she's getting exactly what she wants. I'm not going to lie she went way above what any normal mother-in-law would do. She basically planned a whole wedding in a day, with Kairi's sweet little inputs. I figured she told you, the weddings going to be the day after Christmas at the Château de Challain-la-Potherie. 75 people will be at the ceremony and 300 will be at the reception" I said blandly.

"You don't sound thrilled, isn't it every girl's dream to get married in a palace?" He said giving me a knowing look. "When I was eight, yes but, now it's...., I don't know I had a picture in my head of what I wanted. Maybe someday I'll get to use it."

"Being?" He nudged me "I'm all ears for this".

"It's stupid, it doesn't matter anyway", I nudged him back.

He walked in front of me and stopped and lifted my face so I looked him in the eyes," Nothing you think is stupid, don't think like that". I never realized how really beautiful his green eyes were until now. I saw the way he was looking at me. Adam grabbed my hand and pulled me closer .

"Share", he commanded.

"Okay, okay, I always thought I would get married in the same church my parents did. You know with the perfect white dress with my mother's veil and Nate as my maid of honor. We would stand up in front of the altar, in front of all our friends and family and promise to love, hold and cherish. In that moment we would truly mean it. I wouldn't just be marrying a man, I would be marrying my soul mate, the love of my life, the person that makes me want to be better and do better and he would see me the same way. Every day he would know that he had a partner for life, one that loved him unconditionally. Just saying the words, 'I love you' would be enough. Even when things got bad we could always look back at the moment when we both said 'I do'. I know that kind of love exists because my parents have it".

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now