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The scene was all chaotic everything shredded everywhere , glass was broken on the floor .. the bed sheets where crumbled the room telephone was detached , Kongpob phone was on the flpor smashed .

And then Atid was on the floor lying looking at the ceiling thinking about what just happened in a splash of a second . He had a bloody face now , but he was busy thinking about the incident rather than the pain.

On thw other hand , Arthit took kongpob under his wings .. I mean he took him and led his head over his shoulder . While wad was busy putting some water over his face and prem rubbing his feets .

"Kong .. wake up .. kong .. kong .. wake up " other than those words nothing came to those 3 adult minds .. every one was hopeless .
After some minutes .. kongpob finally opened his eyes slowly . But when he opened he just wrapped around Arthit like a koala bear .

"P'Arthit .. I'm so sorry .. I'm so sorry " kongpob just ranted but Arthit knew it very well that it was not his fault at all .. so he just shushed him and said small nothings .

"Prem .. just call the police .." Arthit said while he  still had a crying kongpob in his arms .

"No .. stop .. don't do that .. just let him go this time.. but I don't wanna see him again " kongpob was still clingy towards Arthit.

"Prem call the securities .. and throw him out of the hotel .. I'll take care of kongpob now .. and then later about the office work"

"I feel so disgusted .. I- I .. aah" kongpob was again crying .

"Kong.. come on .. it's alright I don't blame you ok .."

"P'Arthit .. why are you still with me .. please leave me .. another man just touched me .. I feel so pathetic.."

"Kongpob ! .. Will you just stop . . I'm already angry enough .. I don't want to tell you any other things .. ok ?? .. I don't blame you at all .. if was none of your fault.. what can you do if somebody is planning it already .. and if it comes to leaving you alone .. I won't . . I wont .. until and unless I die .. I have fallened madly and deeply in love with you so I don't want to leave you alone .. I want to spend my entire life with you and even in my next birth .. I have vowed to stay with you through thick and thin and to protect you . So do you understand now .. that I won't leave you ??" Arthit Artist was out of his breath .. He had given such a long speech .. but in the other hand kongpob was speechless . He didn't know how to respond .. so he just went and hugged the man standing infront of him slowly and silently.. and he didn't say anything .. He just listened to his heart beat which was so soothing and was making him sooth.

Sometimes kongpob was so thankful to God for bringing him a man who loves him with his full heart and would give his life to protect him .. it was a like he had done something really great in his previous life to get a man like him. Maybe if he didn't confessed his love that night he wouldn't have so many close people around him . He would have been some nong in his life .

"P'.. what would I have done without you ?? " a single tear was falling from his eyes .. seeing that Arthit just rubbed his thumb over the tear made it vanish.

"Don't . . Cry na khap .. our baby will go through the sadness .. right ?? .. it's alright .. tonight I'll hold you all night and help you fall asleep alright?? ..


A/n: this chapter is a bit small .. I'm sorry but my only motive is to end this story .. so sorry ..

Thanking you

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