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Kongpob was really stubborn , he didn't want to take Atid with him to his mother's house , he just wanted peak his driver to go with him . He himself didn't know why he was acting weird that day . But Arthit couldn't say anything as he was his beloved and that he could do nothing if once kongpob set his mind on something .

So he was on his way to his mother's house , he didn't know but he had a slight Faith that his mother had changed a lot.

He reached in front of his mother's house , " peak you wait here I'll come in 20 mins ok ?? "

"Yes sir .. you take as long as it takes.. I'll wait here"

He went in front of his mother's house and ringed the  bell . Within few minutes the door opened with his mother having a straight smile . He smiled back and went inside the house . They sat on the couch in the leaving room to have a quick chat .

"So mae .. why did you call me to come here ?? "

"Well .. I wanted to give something "

"What is it ??" Kongpob asked .

His mother got up and went to he kitchen counter .. he didn't notice before that there was a box kept on the counter . She took it and moved to wards him . She passed it on to him .

"This is .. one of the precious boxes kong ."

"What does it contain.. Mae  ??"

"Its the will of our property that I'm passing on to you .."

"Mae ... it was not really necessary.. you could give this to elder sisters .."

"Nah .. just take it.."

"Mae..." kongpob just looked at his mother .

"It's ok .. I love my son so it's quiet alright "

After like 15 mins of chatting and having tea with his mom .. He finally came out and saw peak waiting for him in the car . He then went inside the car and the car started moving soon after .

"You seem like you are very happy Kongpob sir " peak said as he viewed through the rear view mirror.

"Yes .. I am peak .. I think my mom finally accepts me.... o my god ! I have to tell P'Arthit .."

It was not that late .. But suddenly there was sirens going on .. and his car was stopped by the cops .

Arthit was busy with pile of work .. But then he noticed that something was off .. He was not feeling his best .
He saw his phone ringing , it was peak .

"Oh .. peak what's up ?"

"Wait what ?? .. how ?? .. there must be something that went wrong ..! .. I'm coming "

Wad was entering his office but kept quiet when he heard his distressed voice .

"What .. happened P'Arthit ??" Wad asked .. as he saw Arthit was finding something .

"Peak .. called.. and said that kongpob has been arrested ."

"What?! .. how could this even happen .. you leave now .. and we will follow you soon " wad took out his phone and dialed prems number .

Suddenly kongpob saw that there was at least four police cars that was blocking his car . He didn't leave the but peak got out holding his both hands together .

"Stand back .. we are here to arrest the assassin.. " they pushed peak aside and went to open the back door .  A officer caught his hand and pulled him out of his car .

"I'm sorry sir .. But I think there must be a mistake .. I have done nothing to get arrested ." Kongpob pleaded .

"We will see to that .. But we are here because you tried to kill you mother ."

"What?? .. I have not.. officer please " the officer was really rough on him ,

"Sir .. please be careful.. don t be that rough to him " peak  said .. He was totally lost .. He didn't know what to do .

"Why ?? .. is he made of ice that if I touch him he will melt ?? .. He is a bloody criminal .." and then they put him inside the police car . That's when peak thought of calling Arthit, before it was too late .


"Sir I told you I have done nothing wrong ... Why would I try to kill my mother ?? .."

"Well I don't know maybe because of the will that your mother didn't want to give you .. you forced your mother to sign on it?? .. and then stabbed a knife ?? .. oh god .. are you even human .?"

"Excuse me sir I think .. you are misunderstanding .. I didn't attempt on killing my mother ."

" kongpob ! .. Kongpob!?" There was a loud sound from outside and he knew who it was.

It was Arthit .

"What is going on here .. do you know who I am?? " Arthit was shouting outside .

"How dare you arrest him ?? .. do you want your jobs at stake ?? Do you ?? .. talk to my lawyer right now .. But let me see kongpob right now. "

P'Arthit .. both you and I know that I'm not wrong .. I didn't do such thing .. this is the reason I didn't trust my mother from the first .. I'm really sorry P'Arthit .. I'm not a good husband.. and now your reputation will be gone

"Who is that,  who .. is shouting outside ?? .." 

"He is my husband .. " kongpob said .

"Well .. what your husband ?? ... wait wait .. I know you .. oh yeah .. if it isn't the owner of xxxxx enterprise  .. that internation company .. am I right ?" .. Kongpob just nodded .


It was quite difficult for the couple .. Arthit was not let to meet kongpob for even once and on other hand .. Kongpob was getting a hit .. he had no other choice but to accept it .. He couldn't even tell them .. that he was pregnant . ( I know I'm exaggerating don't mind )

And on the other hand there was a big fuss on the internet about Arthit and kongpob , this was the perks of getting famous , Arthit was losing his temper .

He was out of control as he didn't know what to do , he didn't go to his house .. it was very hard to look at his sons face , who kept on crying for there papa to come back .

He was tired but he felt that his kongpob was hurting even more inside the cage for no reason , for not doing any crime that he had never committed..

But that's when something miraculous.


A/n: guys !!!!!! I'm not dead .. it's just I had so much work .. plus I didn't have a plot to write .. so I was really very out of ideas .. plus my examsss are going on .. I'm really sorry .. and one more thing .. this story is going to  end soon .. and I'm planing on writing 2 moons fan fiction .. ofc it's badtoms so it's gonna be mpreg .. and here is a thing .. I'll write fan fiction after the series has ended .. so 2 moons has ended .. then spurs will come and end .. so another fan fiction.. anyways .. what do you think .. should I write 2 moons fan fiction??

Thanking you

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