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Kong didn't return home last night .Should I call him .. or should I not , well I won't call him , he himself wanted a baby and he suddenly started shouting at me and then what? He stromed out of the house , what is wrong with him ? Like seriously he is driving me crazy , we can't even stay in one room now a days .. he moved out of our bedroom and sleeps at the other room . I don't want to be harsh with him , but he doesn't even listen to me , he thinks he is doing a great work of raising a child , he doesn't know that it could be a mess , and i don't want a kid right now , how can i support the child right now I'm practically broke . My life is all messed up , before when i use to be a mess i use to go to Kong and he would help me over come it .. but now he is the main cause for which i'm in a mess. Arthit thought to himself , he was bit worried but not as worried as before . like he would go to the police station if kong would be missing or didn't reply to his text in 2 hours , but now everything was changed .
Arthit was startled with the noise of his phone ringing, who would call me at a week end he told himself while taking out his phone.
He saw the caller ID it was his manager calling him , he tapped the button and pressed the phone to his ears .

"Swadee khap sir .. " Arthit greeted his manager .

"Swadee Arthit .. I called you today because we have an urgent project to submit by Tuesday.. you are requested to come to office by now ." The manager said it in a stern voice .

"Yes sir .. I'll be there in 30 minutes " and then the line went dead . Arthit's boss was not exactly a ass person but he hung up the phone as if he as one . Maybe he was in hurry , Arthit kept his thoughts aside and got up from the chair he was sitting on so that he could get ready .


Kongpob took a taxi to his house , as he reached infront of his house he tried to listen something from inside but couldn't hear anything which meant only one thing and that was that Arthit wasn't in the house . He sighed and got the keys out of his pocket to open the door . He opened the door to his house and got inside the room was silent , no nothing but the room was in a mess , maybe last night after he walked out of the house he threw all the stuff and being Arthit he didn't pick up a single thing . But kongpob couldn't see mess so he had to pick up the things , so he went to his room put on his comfy cloths and went to the living room to clear up the mess . After clearing it he was very tired .
Oh yeah kiet told that I would be feel tired and I'll have mood swings .. and so screw me kongpob thought to himself .

He went to his room , and went to bed directly .. He was too tired to do anything else , Soon he drifted off to sleep not caring where Arthit was . It was better for him to not see his face , he would never be like this if Arthit accepted the baby . But he didn't .

Arthit came home later at night finding the room very quiet and clean and last time he remembered he didn't clean it , so maybe kongpob was home . So he came home after his anger cooled down right ? Hopefully he won't shout at me again . I can't just keep my mouth shut , if he is shouting at me .. comeon I was the head well sadly he was also the head And that's why we become to tigers roaring at the same time . Arthit was relieved when he peeped into kongpob's room because He was in his slumber .

Next day was Sunday , so it would be a very happy day for Arthit and Kong but not anymore , kong didn't come out of his room at all he was working in his room with his glasses on , which he only wore while working with his computer .

Next day was Sunday , so it would be a very happy day for Arthit and Kong but not anymore , kong didn't come out of his room at all he was working in his room with his glasses on , which he only wore while working with his computer

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On the other half Arthit had to go to his office even on a Sunday, because of a urgent submission of a project . He was kinda greatful at least he didn't have to face a angry Kongpob . And kongpob had told him not to show his face , sometimes he felt that he was being heart less but he couldn't help , he was not ready to take responsibility for that baby .


Kongpob was in his office after a peaceful weekend . He just ate , slept and worked and nothing else it was one of the best lazy days, he didn't meet Arthit so it was alright . And even his morning sickness was getting better , he had morning sickness but it was less .. may be because of the prescribed medicines by kiet .

He had a meeting in the afternoon and it was his big day to show his presentation to his boss on the upcoming project that his company was going to handle and it was quite a chance for him . He was going to the conference room but suddenly he started feeling dizzy , he didn't feel dizzy this past weeks then why was he feeling dizzy all of a sudden ? He thought . But still he brushed it out of his mind and headed towards the room , he took his seat beside Wad who was sitting beside his boss and the second position from the screen . He still felt dizzy but it was not a place for him to think about his dizziness , he would be up soon to demostate his presentation .

He went up on the Dias to explain about his presentation, but he couldn't concentrate because he started seeing double , like their was two of Wad , his boss , and his co -workers , suddenly he couldn't stand ,his legs were weak . And that was it , he looked at the floor and saw his legs they were shaking , he then looked up it was all black . He heard someone screaming his name , but then he wanted to look who it was but he couldn't, he heard someone mention
'p'Arthit's name but he didn't want to bother him with his bullshit , so he tried very hard to say 3 words and that was No call Kiet and he fainted . It was like he went to sleep but it was very deep . He couldn't wake up at all ..

Wad had noticed that kongpob didn't look good at all suddenly , he looked pale . He wanted to ask him whether he was alright but he didn't because Kong would say he was over thinking and would soo him away . So maybe if he was feeling sick he would tell him .

Wad was in the conference room before kongpob , he saw that kongpob came and took the empty spot beside him , he was great full for that at least now he could keep an eye . He saw that kongpob was not focused , where as he is always focusing . Soon wad saw kongpob going on the Dias and to explain his presentation, but he was stumbling, then he stopped speaking . Wad looked at his friend carefully noticing every move of his friend . And then then saw his falling back , all the eyes were on kongpob so when he fell down every made a surprised noise . Wad got up as fast as he could and went to kongpob , his motionless body was lying on the floor . He tried to wake him by calling his name continuously but no response.

"Kong I'm calling P'Arthit " Wad told before he was going to take his phone out . By that time every one was surrounding them . But then he heard 3 words less that whisper 'No call kiet' and that was it .

He didn't know who this Kiet was but then he took Kongpob's phone out and opened it , it was not hard because kongpob didn't have a lock patter .

Wad opened the contacts window and typed Kiet
Seeing the name he was so relieved he then dialled his no ,Waiting for response .

"Hello kongp-"

"Hello kiet I'm wad kong's friend.. Kong fainted just now and he told me to call you" by now wad was panicking. He didn't know what to do , his friend was pregnant and fainted which was not a good sign .


A/n : finally an update .. thanks to everyone who commented on the previous thing it really made me feel better .. you just don't know I have never been loved like this .. and I sometimes feel I'm a troubled child to have this kind of things .. but ending my life is not my thing sorry .. I don't want to die .. but thank you really .. you people are great . I will always make you happy promise . But who ever knows my name or my details .. don't tell everyone pls ..

Thanking you

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