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It's been one month and still Arthit's company was running a loss . He was running out of his ideas , kongpob was trying to work all his plans and tried to help Arthit , but it didn't work .

Kongpob work up early as usual and started making breakfast for his family , the kids and Arthit were still sleeping so he was alone downstairs  busy in the kitchen .

All those thoughts was killing him , he thought maybe he was not getting pregnant was a good thing as because it would become another headache . So maybe after Arthit's company would recover they could try again .

He and Arthit was working hard along with Prem and Wad.. but seemed like it didn't work . He then started making the egg , well yes now he could make a proper egg , but it was not the point , the smell of the egg hit his nose and he couldn't control it , like he was going to throw up , he ran towards the bathroom which was downstairs  . He reached the porcelain just in time before he threw all the remains from the last night .

The disgusting after taste was awful but it didn't disturb kongpob's sudden thought of conceiving .

"Shit ... am I pregnant .. ?! .. I should take a rest tomorrow ..  but if it is positive ... what will I do ..  ?" He said to himself .

"Kong ..  where are you .. you left the egg on fire ..  " he heard Arthit's voice from the kitchen , so he hurriedly washed his mouth and flashed the disgusting matter and left the washroom and put on his smiling face .

"Sorry p.. I had to use the washroom " he then acted as if he was drying his hand . Arthit felt a bit weird but didn't say anything else . He ruffled his hair started going upstairs .

"Kongpob... get ready we need to leave for work .. and I guess you need to work on the finance thing "

"Okk .. p .. you go and wake the boys up I'll get ready ."

He was not into himself anymore , his brain was repeating the same words
What if he had to check as soon as possible , and if he thinks it's not good he could abort it . Because Arthit couldn't look after him now , they were not sure whether or not they would even continue the business .

Well kongpob was thinking too much , he had gone mad because the loss was not that big also .. but He made it .


He had reached the office with Arthit he went up to the top most floor of the building , all this days they didn't have a Secretary but maybe having a Secretary would be really great but first he should really concentrate on the fact that he could be pregnant .

It was next day but still he didn't feel better , so he thought of not going with Arthit .

"P'Arthit ... I'll join you at work later today .. I have some work.. so you leave now"Arthit didn't say anything he just nodded and left with the kids to drop them .

As soon as kongpob knew that Arthit had gone he went upstairs in his bedroom . He searched through his laptop bag where he had kept the pregnancy test, that he bought without Arthit's notice .

He hurried to the bathroom,  he took out the text from the box and did what was required , then waited for 5 minutes on the edge of the bathtub .

5 minutes when he saw the tests it was a total horror , he was really pregnant , he just stay on the bathroom floor hugging his legs , but not crying at all .

It was all his fault , if he controlled his emotions then it wouldn't happen , he thought to himself .

Soon he got up as he had promised he would leave for work , he hurriedly drove his car towards the office , on the way towards his office was very hard , he had just discovered that he was pregnant,  it was very hard for him to keep an eye on the road , he kept the left hand on the wheel and the right hand just right on top of his not yet grown belly .

I don't know how to accept you my baby .. I really don't.. we want you but this isn't the right time yet , I don't want to do this .. but p'Arthit is worked up .. please if I take any wrong steps please forgive me he told it in his mind .

He reached his office , he went up towards his office , usually everyone use to greet him and use to smile and do the same , but today he didn't even smile , he just walked straight with a cold face, meeting wad prem and Arthit.

He started working like his daily basis , nobody noticed that kongpob was not himself , every body was busy working , Arthit had sensed something but didn't say .


Arthit got fresh up after coming from office , but then suddenly he tripped on the dustbin in the bathroom which littered all over the floor , that's when a link little stick came into his view , he was very familiar with the stick , as every month he say the stick . But then when he took the stick in his hand the view just shocked him but a happy way . It had 2 red lines , which meant the user was pregnant .

He was going to have another baby , but why didn't he tell me .. that he is pregnant?? .. maybe I should ask him .. oh my god I'm going to be a dad again to another or other little people. It's such a great news , I will take care of this baby the same way I did for the boys . But my question arises is that why didn't kongpob inform me ... is this child not mine.. well stupid things I'm thinking of . He just loves me and that's it .. and we are married.

He would ask kongpob about the pregnancy and he had to know the reason .no mater what . But he was really happy from discovering the truth .

A/n: ..this was just a crappy chapter m. Lets meet tomorrow .... so bie

Thanking you

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