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Arthit reached home with the DVD in his hand , he didn't waste a moment , he just locked the door and went straight towards the living room where the tv was there , he wanted to see his babies inside Kong.

He played the DVD and sat on the sofa , this mouth was a gap, his eyes got teary , there was two different human being inside Kong which also carried his DNA and it mesmorised Arthit even more , to him those two little beings were the most precious and breath taking beings to Arthit but ofcourse after Kong. He was the first breathe taking person to Arthit .

"Kong .. I'm ready to be a father .. I'll do whatever it takes , I have done enough to hurt." He said out loud , he couldn't believe that 2 small little human beings could make him cry and make him realize his mistake .

But first , he had to buy a ring .. he would propose him , tell him to marry him . He was sure kongpob would forgive him . He got his car keys and left the house .

Being heavily pregnant also Kong didn't stop working , he use to sit on the chair and worked hard , and Wad was always beside him , not letting his go out of his side . Kongpob was really glad to get such friends , who didn't think twice before jumping for help . He wished that wad could also get a child of his own , it would be rare .. but they truly wanted a child . Kongpob suddenly felt a pain on his abdomen , but he brushed it off , his due date was 3 weeks later .

"Kong .. I was thinking .. that why don't you move in with us for the last month.. it-" wad suddenly turned towards kong and told his proposal but couldn't finish his sentence.

"No not at all .. I will move back to my old apartment .. and then I'll stay there with my babies ."

"No Kong! It's too dangerous to stay alone during the last month, and me and p'prem have decided that should stay with us ... and our house is quite big " Wad had suddenly become mom type to kongpob .

"Wad .. please .. I've already troubled you a lot .. I don't want to trouble you anymore.."

"Oi .. Kong shut up .. you are here who is taking all the trouble .. what do you think I don't understand your pain ? .. and we insist you to stay with us .. alright ?" Wad could see kongpob's eyes shining . Being 8 months pregnant , Kong never showed his pain or sorrow , after that bar incident he really that his senses and he didn't do anything like that .

"Alright .. I'll move in .. maybe next week ok ?"

"Done .. do you need to move your things ??"

"No no .. ahhh!" Kong was holding his stomach , it felt like some one stabbing him with knife . Wad was very confused when he saw kongpob sruching his face and holding his bump with two hands .

"Kong what's wrong ? .. is everything alright ?"

"Just call Kiet wad... "

Wad had taken Kiet's no in case there was a emergency like now ... but he was shocked that he was having the pain now . He dialled his no And pressed the screen to his ears .

"Hey wad what's up ?" Kiet answer after two rings .

"Kiet .. Kong is having pain .. is he going to Labour? "

"Umm ask his how far apart are his contractions .. and ask his is it strong ? " Wad did what he was told to .. but he saw that Kong was feeling much better maybe his pain had subsided .

"Kong when was the last time you felt the pain And is it strong ?"

"About 30 mins ago .. .. and no it isn't.."

"30 mins apart , not strong contractions "

"Ohh .. sorry my fault .. I didn't warn him .. it's just Braxton hicks .. his body is getting ready to give birth .. tell him to drink water and breathe .. ok ?"

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