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"Kongpob .. !!" Arthit shouted there was no need to shout thou because he was working just in front of him in the same place it was out of his excitement .

"P'!! I'm just in this room no need to shout .. " kongpob just scolded his husband a little bit .

"Umm I will get interviewed... by the press along with prem as we are the voted most handsome young business man in town"

"What!!?? .. oh my god P'Arthit it is such a good newsss!!" Kongpob was overly excited .

(Ok I don't remember whether the media knows or not that Arthit is married /in love with a man so I'll just say he will say it in front of them )

"Yes and the interview is tomorrow morning "

"Really ?? .. so will we go ? Both me and wad? "

"Well yes.. both of the couples will go .. "

"Oh wow that's great .. I'm so proud of you p'Arthit ." Kongpob got out of his seat and went up to him and kissed him , and soon both of them deepened the kiss in the middle of their office , it was going far when suddenly Atid came to verify some things but when he saw that his kongpob was kissing him he just stared at them for few seconds and then made interrupting sounds .

Both of them where shooked they started blushing but then kongpob went o his seat and said .

"Yes Atid what is it ??"

"Sir I was thinking what to do with this raw material ?? .. can you show me ??" Atid went in front of his desk and laid down the file on kongpons desk .

"Here you do this like this ..."
After few words everything became silent to Atid he couldn't hear anything . He was so lost into his face he kept on staring it was hurting his eyes to look at his beautiful face . It was proven to him that he was deeply in love with him .

But the thing he didn't notice was that Arthit was watching him from the side with suspicious eyes.  He was so full that this person was not at all a simple person .

"Did you understand Atid ?? Atid ?? .. oi Atid ??"

"Aha .. yes .. yes .. I did it's very simple I'll do that and then this " he illustrated with his fingers... the thing was he knew everything to do perfectly .. he was faking his knowledge .. so just to get to his boss from close up .

(At the interview)

"So swadee khap everyone .. how are you people .. I'm your host Bot.. so today we have 2 most handsome person who was voted the most handsome young business man in town and they are here with us today. " the interviewer said .

"Everyone please welcome Prem and Arthit " every one clapped their hands and it seemed like it started raining . Both Arthit and Prem entered the stage well fitted and suited .

"Swadee khap .. thank you for having us" they both said in unison .

"So Arthit , Prem how do you feel being the most handsome men in town ?"

"It's really embarrassing as we are surely not most handsome men ." Arthit said.

"Oh hush you are .. so .. you are also the successful young business men in town  " Bot asked.

"Yes we are .. and its really great because both me and Arthit dreamed of having a life like this but smaller ." Prem said .

"Really your hard work paid off.. congratulations guys"

"Thanks Bot "Arthit said .

"So I heard that you were in the sotus system ?? "

"Yes we were plus Arthit was the head heazer.. and we 5 were the main of the system " Prem said.

"Oh wow that must be great"

"Not at all haha.."they both said .

"Really ?? Then maybe I'm wrong .. But I wanna ask you something .. are you getting those weird marriage proposals ??" Bot asked .

"Yes we do ..still now !" Again they said together but laughing .

"So have you considered accepting any of them?  .. oh wait... I have heard that you both gave a statement to the media saying that you are already taken ?.. is that true ?" Bot asked .

"Haha.. yes it's very true " Prem said while the other laughed .

"Really ?? So who are those lucky faens of yours ?" Bot asked .

"Well we don't have faens .. But husbands " Arthit said .

"What ?? .. really ?? Oh my god .. are you both ??"

"No we are not gay .. we are just some people who found soul mates in a man's body that's it ." Prem explained .

"Oh my god ... this is such a great news guys .. you just told this to everyone .. anyways I wanna ask you who this 2 people are ? "

(They showed wad and kongpobs picture one by one)

"Well the 1st one is my husband wad " Prem said smiling like a fool .

"The next one is kongpob and he is mine "

'Arthit cool down .. we won't steal your man .. He is mine"

"Hhahhaha .. sorry n.a. " Arthit said .

"Plus we have kid's.." Prem said .

"What really?? Man aren't you people full of surprises ??"

"P' you can be so weird sometimes .." kong was so embarrassed.

"Aww .. is my baby embarrassed?? .. "Arthit giggled.. and seeing that kongpob turned Apple red .

Suddenly Arthit' s phone started ringing . He took his phone out of his pocket received the call . It was an unknown number .

"Hello? who is this ?"

"Hello Arthit sir.. I'm calling from Attitude magazine.. our team wants to work with you and Mr prem along with your husbands but on different days . So we would love you on our set on 5th of June . "

"Oh ... we will arrive by the given time " Arthit answered .

"Yes sir .. we will email you the details .. thank you for co-operating with us sir ."

"Yes thank you .." Arthit hung up the phone then .. his days suddenly became so bright .

"P'Arthit I'm hungry .. I want sour soda with chocolate pizza "

"Umm ahh.. ohk.. what ever my babies wants .. " he then touched his tummy .

"By the way who was it ..?"

"Attitude magazine khap .."

"What ?? .. really ?? So you gonna go for a photo shoot?"

"Not I kong , it's we .. we both are going "

"Listen kongpob .. tell me if you are tried while shooting .. and if they tell you to say weird thing and you feel embarrassed don't do it ok ??

"Ok ..khap "

Kongpob was out of words he had no expression , it was just really exciting for him .


A/n: don't kill me people .. please I beg you firstly I didn't update for a long time then... I wrote the worst chapter on earth .. isn't it .. I wanted to use this pictures so badly ..
This pictures are my life .. people .. as I can't add now .. so I'll post the pictures later .

Thanking you

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