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Kongpob and Arthit was now currently going back home from the hospital , Arthit was in a relieve that all his tensions were over. He had nothing to worry about, kongpob had an abortion but he saw kongpob's expression . He felt hurt but he was the elder and was taking the right choice of not raising a child at that point of time, both of them were very young to have a kid. He didn't mind whether Kong could get pregnant or not , he didn't mind because he loved kongpob with all his heart , whether he was a mutant or he was a man giving birth . If after wards they settled to have a child then they wouldn't have to adopt or have a surrogate they could have of their own , and this thing made Arthit even more happy , he was not at all ready for a baby now .. He was broke and he even needed to open a company . He was taken out out of his thoughts by kongpob .

"P'Arthit where are we go in?" Why was he asking this stupid question ofcourse they were going home .

"Umm .. we are going home .. why do you want to go somewhere ?? .. but I personally think you shouldn't go .. and you should take rest " Arthit said it with a warm smile .

"No I mean yes .. well we two .. where are we going ?" Why is he asking so complicated questions Arthit thought to himself .

"Well .. umm I.. I don't understand "

"I met a guy about 6 years ago , I didn't like that guy like I now .. and now I realised I love him ."

"I hope you are talking about me kong .. hahaha I too love you kong"

"But what now ?.. what after this ?"

"Well I don't know kong, I didn't decide yet ... maybe time will tell us ?" Kong looked at him and nodded but he was not satisfied with his answer .

"But how long P'Arthit .. we we're in the starting point of a relationship ... "

"Kong .. so what .. can you please make it clear?? "

"Well so what the relationship has started and in my opinion it was actually a pretty good start, we both love each other ... so shouldn't we think about this relationship now ?" Kongpob said it to P'Arthit with a sad expression . But P'Arthit was finding it funny ... He was kinda laughing .

"Please don't tell me that you are talking about getting married .. please Kong we both are very young and we have our lives a head of us to get married ... but are you " Arthit was a little confused so kinda took a guess .

"Well before I didn't know what to do .. what to do with my life but I know now what I should do with it .... and that is I want to spend my life with you P'Arthit ..." Arthit kept his eyes on the road .. tried to focus .

"Kong .. listen .. we are staying together . . So then why all this .. ?? .. tell me ?"

" because I love you and I want to stay in your life even more .. and I want the same for you too .. P'Arthit... do you still think that we didn't get to know each other still now ?.. why are we getting scared to name this relation P'Arthit .. tell me ?" Kongpob could start crying any minute now .. but Arthit didn't know what to say . But he tried to take it slowly and calmly , he was the elder after all .

"Well Kong.. listen .. this will complicate everything .. please Kong don't ruin it .." Arthit signed and said " you have gone through a trauma just now , I know this was not easy for you .. just give it some time .. and the-"

"I didn't have an Abortion "

Arthit couldn't finish his before we had the most shocking news . It made Arthit even more angry , how could he do this .. He he is again acting like a child has he gone mad . He step on the accelerator and speed up towards his house without any word .


Kongpob was sitting on the soft sofa while his legs where up to his chest and he was hugging them , were as on the other side Arthit couldn't even sit down or stand in one place .. He he kept on pacing this side to that side.

"I saw the baby's small hands and the movement it was doing inside the woman , I heard it's hearts beat .. it was life P'Arthit .. that was inside that lady and now it's inside me .. I can't just erase it ." Arthit was fuming like head could burst with anger .. but kongpob didn't care .. he would keep his baby and that was it .

"WHAT THE- .. listen to yourself kongpob .. what has gone into you .. you have your job , your studies .. and we have our life... and leaving all this you want responsibility of a child !? " Arthit raised his voice after many years , but this time it didn't scare kongpob , he was focused on his own thoughts .

"No P'Arthit .. but I just abort it .. it's now a part of me "

"Oh come on Kong .. I don't want this child now .. I don't want kids now not at all .. do you understand me ?! " Arthit was literally screaming. Now Kong became angry .. how could he even say this to him .. he stood up and faced Arthit who was just few metres away from him .

" Ok now you listen to me P'Arthit .. From now on you are not responsible for neither me nor this baby .. well you want to be free you are free ... I'll decide what I have to do " Now both of them were panting with all the screaming . Kongpob looked at Arthit's eyes directly before he stormed out of the house not before he took his spare key , And Arthit kept on staring at him until he saw him leaving the house .

After storming out of the house .. Kongpob broke down crying his balls out , the last thing he wanted was that to lost P'Arthit .. He didn't know what to do , he was very hopeless he had no where to go , but then he suddenly thought of going to only one that would welcome him with whole heart and that was Wad and P'Prem's house .


Wad and P'prem were cuddled in there couch watching Tv .. and kissing sometimes .. it had suddenly started raining very heavily . They were busy with their make out session when they heard the calling bell of their house .

Wad got out of the embrace of P'prem with too much force because he was not leaving him . After he went and opened the door even P'prem went lagging behind him, when he opened the door it only made him suprise .

It was kongpob .


A/n: .. hey I'm uploading way too fast .. hope you can take that nicely .. pls vote.. I hope you really like this chapters now.. cuz I'm really proud of this chapters ... don't make me diappointed.

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