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"Daddyyyyy ... I want to go with nong'busa and prem uncle na khap" Daeng just shouted out , Kongpob was clueless .. why he was suddenly shouting and throwing a fit while his hormones were just making him angry a lot and he could help but just to control it .

"Daeng.. we all will go .. I'm not stopping you .. but nong Busa is still sleeping na khap ??" He just asked his younger son .

"What seems to be the matter in this beautiful early morning huh ?" Arthit came inside the room where these was a almost angry pregnant dad and a kid with almost teary eyes . They just looked up at him with "help" eyes .
Arthit understood that kongpob was ubout to explode .. with anger, so he went for the help thing .

"Daeng... baby uncle prem called .. and said .. if you listen I your daddy and me .. then he will take you to the sea beach to play in the water. But also you have to eat everything daddy gives you for breakfast .. ok ??"

" really dad ?? Then I will .." he went to him brother while doing a victory dance .
Arthit stood beside kongpob and told him.

"Babe it's alright .. I know what you are going through.. ohk ?? And I'm always by your side ..  now let's get dressed and go for our breakfast .. shall we ??"

Kongpob felt better now . . He didn't know that he was crying a little bit .. the hormones were really making things every more worse .


"You leave your things here .. I'll staying here .. so it's ok .. " kongpob was staying at the shore while other were going in the water , it would be a little too dangerous for him to inside the water in his condition.. so he ignored it and enjoyed the sunny day along with his family and friends playing in the water .

He looked at the email he had received from the last day and replying to some of them . Suddenly a female voice made him look at the direction where the voice was coming from it .. and it was staring just infront of him .

"Ai'..kong .. isn't that you .. Kongpob.. from xxxxx school ??" A woman said to him .

"Khap .. but .. who are you .. I dont really remember.. you .. " It was just a lie .. He remembered the female infront of him very well .

"Oh ouu... you really forgot me already .. shay Lily "

"Oh .. yeah .. my class mate for 4 years .. I remember you now .. sorry really a little over thinking .. " kongpob was but shy .

"Omoo.. you are really pregnant ?? ... as it was said on the news huh ?? .. wow kongpob .. it's really you .. you have become very famous I see ?" Lily said after flaunting her hair a little .

Lily was a slim not so slim but a good figer with her hair a little up from her hips and it was highlighted a little . She was wearing a Christmas coloured bikini with her sunglasses on .

"Yeah .. thanks . . So are you with your friends or what ?" Kong asked.. as he thought it was becoming a little too awkward .

"No no .. I'm with my husband . .Wait I'll call him .." and she looked behind but her husband was already standing behind her 

"Honey .. it was so difficult for me to run after you .. you should wait for me you know .." her husband told her .

"Toe na kha .. this is my old friend .. from school .. Kongpob " they just shakes each other's hand ..

"I'm sorry .. but my husband is busy playing  in the water .. or else .. I would introduce him to you ..." Kongpob said .

"Oh oh don't worry .. anyways ... give me your phone " Lily said and he did what he was told. He passed his phone and Lily have gave her number.

"Here .. this is my number .. I hope you text me .  We are planning a reunion party soon .. as I was the member of the school head board .. " Lily explained .. while kongpob listened .

"Yeah .. I remember .. ok I will text you .."

"Ok .. bie na kha .. we will contact later" the couple bid their goodbyes .. and left .

It was getting very hot under the sun and kongpob was not feeling well plus he was hot . . So he thought maybe .. He should get to his room and take some rest .

He went near the shore and stood there .. where the water just touched his fingers a little .

"P'Arthit.. I'm going to the room.. I'll keep the door opened ok ??"

"Will I help you Kong?? " Arthit asked as soon as he heard his husband .

"No no .. it's ok .. I'm totally fine .. just look after the kids carefully .. don't let them get in too deep ."

Arthit just waved at him . Seeing the kongpob took an about turn and went towards the hotel .

He shouldn't have said the words I'll keep the door opened .

It was the worst thing he ever did.


As kongpob had reached his room he thought of taking a quick shower.  As he was smelling of sweat and salt .. with foot full of sand .

He went inside the shower the Luke warm water was flowing through his body making his skin feel good he closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his now wet hair . Thinking about different different things . With whole world's thought maybe . Suddenly a small sound made him open his eyes .. but no sign of Arthit.. so maybe he heard it wrong he thought .
He thought of buying few things for his close people .
After some time staying in the shower .. we went out wearing a bathsuit looking sexy as fuck . Water dripping down his hairs .. he was facing opposite side of the door.  As he was busy drying his hair with the towel .

A sound was coming from behind him and then...
Suddenly a pair of hand was coming from behind his waist . And rubbed his belly without looks he found it a little different without turning  he just said

You are not p'Arthit


A/n : next chapter .. tomorrow sorry a small chapter.. but I'm very tired and sleepy.   Voteeee everybodyyyy.

Thanking you

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