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Kongpob got a job soon after he graduated from college . He was really happy with his job because they were paying him a good amount . But he wanted to do his masters,  so it would be kinda hectic because he had to do the job in order to pay for his tuition fees, he didn't have his parents to pay his fees .

He came out to his parents , opening about his relationship with P'Arthit , his parents then and there kicked him out of his house and said that his parents would think that he is dead for them. This happened when he was in 3rd year , so he managed this 2 years by getting some part time jobs and some other stuffs , to pay the rents and college fees.

Arthit was always beside him , no matter what he always helped him . Their relationship had grown even more stronger since then. But they didn't have any physical relation yet , kongpob was a bit shy , he wanted their first time to be very special . They had many kissing scenes even some very heated up scenes  but it didn't extend . Arthit was ok with it , he didn't want to hurt kongpob , he would be ready when ever kongpob is ready . Kongpob's feelings was the most important thing,  he tried many times but kongpob told him he wants to wait a little longer , he is still not ready. So Arthit stopped forcing him , and always stayed beside him because kongpob needed him the most now , as his parents had abandoned him .

On the other half Arthit was happy with his current life , he had a job and Kongpob the important thing in his life , he didn't have to go through that thing what kongpob had to , because he didn't have parents to come out to . His parents passed away when he was only 15 years old. He was brought up at his grand parents house , but sadly his grand parents also passed away . Only kongpob was the one to make him feel less lonely in this whole planet , he was really greatful that kongpob had come to his life .

He had some plans to open a new business with his friend . He was saving money so that he could open the company as soon as possible . He had saved a lot of money , he had worked hard and sacrificed many things to save that amount, but still it was less .

It had been 1 year since kongpob got his new job and he would soon start his classes for his master degree course . But Arthit had planned something for his beloved, and that was he would ask Kongpob whether to move in together . His apartment was a bit small , so they had to buy a new house . But first he had to ask Kongpob whether he would move in with him or not .

Arthit knew that he would have to take some money from his savings to pay the rent,  but he had to discuss with kongpob . So that was it he would go on a date with kongpob and ask him to move in with him . He knew that kongpob would really move in with him , but some where down he had this weird feeling .. that he would never move in with him , but he just kept his negative thoughts aside. He took out his phone to call kongpob , to tell him that they would go out on Friday night. He dialled his number and heard the caller tune , after 2 rings he heard his lovely voice .

"Swadee khap P'Arthit " kongpob said in the most lovely way , which always melted Arthit .

"Ehh Swadee Kong , Did you have your lunch ?" He always cared about him , he had to ask this type of questions to make sure he is alright .

"Yeah P' .. I had it .. anyways do you have something to say ? .. you called me at a working hour" Arthit could hear a tension in kong's voice .

"Well .. well ..I just wanted to tell you that , please don't make any plans on Friday night , we will go out .. I'll pick you up at 8 ... ok?" Why was he fumbling ..its not a new thing to ask Kong on a date.

"Ohh .. hahhaha .. ok sure , I don't have any plan ... so it's ok I'll be ready by 8 .. " kong was more than happy to finally go on a date with P'Arthit after a long time .


Friday at the restaurant .

"P'Arthit we are finally meeting .. I had such a long day , and now this dinner is really giving making me relaxed ... so umm thank you" kong said it .. it was so obvious that he was missing  Arthit.

"Well kong .. I was thinking if we move in together ? .... umm what do you think .. we could rent a new house and like share the money ... umm it's ok if your don't want to" Arthit said it .. but he was kinda scared like what would kongpob say . He waited patiently for kongpob to answer but the silence was killing Arthit .

"I would love too .. move in with you .. " kongpob said it finally after that long pause .

"Oh my .. God really ?? Ohh my God . . This is really exciting .. so when do we go for house hunting ?" Now kongpob saw Arthit's exciting face , kongpob was happy when he saw Arthit's dimpled smile , it also made him happy and excited when he thought of living with him .


Prem and Wad was the only one who stayed in Bangkok out of all kongpob and Arthit's friend . Everyone one had got job outside Bangkok.. so they couldn't meet , only through the technology they kept in touch . Prem and Wad was actually in a very serious relationship , they would get married soon , sometimes they even went on double dates with Arthit and Kongpob. Prem was doing a good job but he had plans and that was to open a company with Arthit.  And Wad was also working, he was a quiet and simple man he didn't have such plans except to get married with P'Prem .

On Saturday morning kongpob and Arthit had called them and forecasted the news of moving in together . And they would go for house hunting on that day , they looked up through the renting sites and one house really caught their attention .

It was really a big house with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a modified kitchen with a really big terrace .. it was so beautiful in the picture , they were sure they would find it even more beautiful when they see it in real .

They reached the place on Arthit's car , they went straight towards the landlords office . The landlord was creepy , but who cares they won't live with him but each other , so it's ok they can manage the creepy landlord . The only problem was that , their soon to be creepy landlord wanted the rent for one year in advance , it was quite a lot amount for them to give it at that very moment .

"I'll break my bonds to pay the rent kong" .. Arthit said after thinking a lot .. He had proposed for it in the first place , now he should be responsible for it .

"P'.. well I'll take a loan from my office .. and they will cut it from my salary , so you don't have to pay for it on your own , as we had decided on sharing ."

This had really surprised Arthit but he didn't say a thing,  he was just proved that kong wanted to stay with him as bad as he wanted to stay with him .


A/n: lets get this thing straight .. I did a lot of time skip .. like literally.. for the first chapter cuz I want to skip to the main part .. and that is the only attraction of the story.. so pls don't mind me .. and I promise that the upcoming chapters will be improving .. so thank you for taking your time and reading it..

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