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As soon as he sent the text he say the door of the chamber open , but the sight had made him suprised .

"What are you doing here"

It was his old friend who was the doctor,  he saw entering the chamber with some files in his hand,  but he didn't reply to him yet . But when he came and sat in front of kongpob on the chair , kongpob's anxiety level had increased , so he couldn't just stay without opening his mouth .

" Ai'Kiet what are you doing here ... and where is my doctor ?" The so called kiet just signed and looked at kongpob , all the time he was looking at the file in his hand .

"Well .. I don't know whether this is a bad or good news .. but your reports brings me here Kongpob" his eyes said something which kongpob was not satisfied with .

"What is it Kiet .. is it something bad ..?"

"Are you sexually active with a man kongpob ?" Kiet asked him .

"Umm .. yeah .. but it was our first time and we used protection " kongpob felt very embarrassed while saying those things.. but why did he ask 'with a man'.

"Umm .. Kongpob.. don't laugh .. because you are pregnant .. " And the whole world came crashing down when kongpob heard that word pregnant .

"You are joking with me right .. listen kiet I'm sorry but I'm not here to joke ... I have to go for work ... and being pregnant well last time I check I was a guy ... so cut it out kiet"

"I'm not joking kongpob .. you are seriously pregnant ... it happens to be that you have both the reproductive organs ... so you can get pregnant." Kiet looked at kongpob with sad eyes , he didn't know what to say .

"Listen kongpob ... you go home .. and decide what you will do .. but don't stress too much ... and come back soon before it's too late. "

And then kiet left the room leaving kongpob alone with his thoughts,  while he was bottoning his shirt he kept on thinking what will I do know , I don't want a child now ... I have my job .. my studies , do I have to stop everything .. should I get an abortion ?.. Oh god .. P'Arthit ... he hates kids .

He was so deep in his thought that kongpob didn't even realise he had finished with tucking his shirt , he then left the room and headed towards the parking lot . Today he can't go to  the office , he didn't have that energy suddenly  to go amd talk and handle different type of people . But he knew that he can't run away from this truth he had to deal with it whether he liked it or not.

He got inside Arthit's car as he didn't have a car himself , so he just borrowed his car while Arthit took a taxi, he texted his manager about taking a leave for the whole day and maybe he would be present the next day too . Before he started the car , he just thought I'm carrying a life inside me , it feels so weird .. but I don't know what to do... I'm out of ideas .

He didn't say anything to Arthit when he had gone home or when Arthit came back home at night from work . He just said that the report was normal he didn't have anything bad , he just lied to him .. but maybe one day or another he had to tell him because he couldn't  hide it from him , he would grow and eventually find out about it .  But not now.. it was not the best time, he didn't want any telling from him right now. He even lied about the fact that he went to office after the doctors appointment and came back home early .


Next morning the same thing happened , same routine with the morning sickness .. but this time Arthit didn't wake up , maybe he was tired that's why he couldn't even feel him getting up .

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