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Kongpob was very weak for a week , he couldn't even get out of his bed in the hospital and he would usually sleep all the time . But then after few days of observation he was released but was said to maintain a strict bed rest or else it would be bad for the baby and him .

Arthit took kongpob home , both of them had gone home after many days,  Kongpob mainly. He had thought that he wouldn't have the privilege to see his sons and his unborn child . Because he was so sure that he had lost the baby and was about to get killed or go to jail.  But by the God's grace he and and the baby was safe .

Arthit was relived that his husband and his unborn child are alright. When they reached home it was quite early so they didn't see their kid's as there were in the school . Arthit helped kongpob to their bedroom and tucked him in . It was like a second , as soon as the pillow touched kongpob's head he fell asleep .Arthit didn't disturb him and left the room .

He went downstairs where all the maids and cook stood in a line waiting for his command. So he ordered the cook to prepare a tasty light food for kongpob and told the maids to clean the room frequently and to make Luke warm water so that he would wash him with a towel .

Later peak picked the kids up from the school and dropped them home . As soon as they entered they saw their daddy going upstairs with a small tub . They soon runned towards his father but couldn't catch him but still followed ...  him to their father's bedroom . But when they entered they saw that his papa had many blood strained lines on his back as he was facing the wall it was clear to see the wounds for them .

"Papa .. !!! .. " they both screamed ..

Arthit turned back as soon as he heard the voices .. He didn't want to wake kongpob so he indicated them to be silent and not wake their papa . It was a very deathly scene for them but they didn't stay long with him . 

Later on Arthit told him .. it was a drawing that was done on his back( they saw it from a distance so it was not prominent ) .. so they were fine with it .


After one week Kongpob was stable , with the help of Arthit , he was able to stand . Kong was still not listening to Arthit , as he had told him to take more rest for atleast two more weeks , but as usual he didn't listen and went to work .

It was a normal day as usual but Arthit was a little nervous and a little extra over - protective, he was carrying his bag and other stuff with the meds he was given then he stood outside the car until and unless he was fully settled he would then close the door then get inside himself. 

He had set many staffs who would be standing in front of the gate to welcome him , Kongpob was actually shocked that his husband was being a little over protective , as soon as he reached in front of the office there were people who opened the door for him , he stepped outside the car and he was standing under the shade of an umbrella , he saw Arthit came and stood beside him , he gave a angry glare to him for doing this useless thing but he didn't care . Arthit handed over the bag to Atid . Every one was standing so Kongpob spoke out at last .

" I'm so sorry every one please get back to your work , you people are very busy person who is working day and night .. my husband is just a little over -protective so he did this useless thing .. so i apologize on behalf of him ."

"No Kongpob sir it is alright .. we were worried about you .. glad you are alright .. please rest ." the chief said and he went away .

He then walked to his office , and sat beside Arthit's table , it was quite weird  be surrounded by so many people , it was hectic for him , it was very busy day for everyone in the office as THE BOSSES had returned and the whole company was busy with the new work allotment , and the share holders meeting and etc. 

Kongpob was busy working hard , once going up and down , he couldn't send Atid all the time as he felt bad plus he was busy himself , so he had to do few works himself . Thank god thou Arthit was not around or else he would have stopped his work and would take kong home and lock him up in his bedroom just like an house arrest . 

But kongpob felt a bit tired , maybe because he was working after many days plus he was four and half months pregnant so that's why maybe , he felt a bit dizzy also but he didn't mind , he took his things and left . 

The company had 4 new projects and all where due close to each other so , the company was divided into 2 parts , one part would be under Prem and another under Arthit , thou Arthit would do the main work as he didn't want to pressure kong for over working as he was still healing . He was busy so he agreed that he couldn't look after kong inside the company , and couldn't even appoint people to look after him , but he was sure that if he appointed someone , he would get divorced very soon . 

The meet for Arthit's group was going to start and every one had to be in the conference room in 10 Minutes before the boss arrived . 

Arthit was resting a bit in his office before he goes for his meeting , and kong was taking his meds , he would go along with Arthit , as Arthit's eyes were closed he didn't notice that kongpob was looking pale , he was sweating a little in the chilled room .

It was time for the meeting , so both kongpob and Arthit walked together on the empty corridor as every one was in the room already . As they Opened the door every body stood and greeted them . Both of them walked toward the two empty seats , as soon as they sat down the lights went out and the whole room was dark , the only source of light was the presentation.

Different people were presenting with different ideas , but nobody noticed that kongpob was sweating , and was clutching to the table , even Arthit beside him didn't notice .

After everyone finished with the presentation , and the lights were turned on again , every body could see each others face now . So finally after a long time when kong couldn't bear it anymore, he excused himself to go to the restroom and freshen up 

" P'Arthit .. I'm Going to the restroom , I'll be back soon , please continue with the meeting ." He whispered in his ear , but as soon as Arthit heard those words his head turned .

"Will you be alright ?? .. will I go with you ?? .. Wait Wait .. Are you feeling well ?? Wanna go home ??" Arthit showered him with questions .

"p'Arthit .. shut up .. I can take care of myself , don't over think ok ??" and saying that he left , as he went outside the room he was felt a sudden shock and started feeling dizzy , he some how managed to go to the restroom while holding on tot he walls . 

As he saw himself in the mirror , he saw two person , he shaked his head but everything was still the same , he spashed water on his face and started his rocky journey towards the conference room , it was so hard for him , he was having serious cramps which was preventing him from walking down the pain path , but at last he reached his destination .

As he opened the door .....


A/n : MIAN EH >>> GOMENA SAI >>> KHOTOR NA KHA >>> DU BU QI >>>>> SORRY  please forgive me .. i was very busy ,,, you don't even know .. i'm so tired that i can't even keep my eyes closed in the morning ... and i have to work on my school program .. as I'm the school's Dj and music producer << lols .. sorry that was weird .. after i publish this work i have to work on the project again .. ahh i'm seriously tired .. some one give me pills and a pillow .. i wanna sleep .. anyways .. i'll update the next chapter soon .. I Pomise ..

Thanking You 


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