My Word is My Bond

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I stayed in my room for the entire day. I was supposed to watch Kairi, but she never came to my room. The dressmaker came and took my measurements, my heart wasn't in it. It wasn't until the next day there was a light tap at my door, "Dinner is here" the voice said.

"No, thank you, I'm not hungry." And pulled the covers over my head.

"You sick or something, little thing" it was Michael. I didn't have the energy to deal with anyone today. "Can I come in?"

"No" I yelled.

"Ok, you know you can talk to me? About stuff if you want." I stayed quiet "Good talk" and he walked away. I fell asleep; when I next woke it was two in the morning. I decided to get some food and go back to my room; I kept that routine .

On the four day, Adam came into my room; he stood at the foot of the bed wearing a black suit. "Are you sick, love? We can get you a doctor."

I sat up disheveled," You can't give me what I need so just go Adam, leave me to face my reality alone in peace."

"Is it the panic attacks?"

"How do you even know about that?" I asked.

"You told me outside of that nightclub you stumbled into, and a few other things".

"Like?" I worried.

"You called me Mr. Sexy and said you were Beyonce? Or something like that."

Throwing myself back on the bed I said, "Well don't hold me to my word when I'm drunk".

"I can't help you if I don't even know what's wrong."

"If you want to know so bad, then look in the mirror".

"What?" He wasn't expecting that.

I got out of bed to stand toe to toe with him, "You heard me, you are the problem! I heard you, Michael and Brandon talking. I can never leave?! And if I do it sounds like it'll be in a body bag." He stayed silent. "But you already knew that before you even offered my father this deal. I'm just a cash cow so you can keep milking to the bank. You knew you could make a lifetime of interest keeping me."

He tried to reach out for me, but I swatted his hand away "Don't touch, me".

"That's not what you said when we dried fuck on my desk".

I looked at him shocked, "Let me explain, please?"

"Why should I, so you can lie more?"

"If you let me explain, I'll let you know why"

I sat back on the bed waiting for an explanation.

"My word is my bond. I made a deal with you, one I plan to keep. Yes, there are some road bumps right now. But, by the time your father's debt is repaid. The road will be clear. "


"You don't want that" Adam said

"Yes. I. do."

"After the attack, I've been working double hard to infiltrate Sliske gang. I need something to pin on him so the police would have no choice, but to throw him in jail. Then let the infighting destroy his empire. If this were anyone else I would put a hit out and be done. But, in this case it would start a blood war between our houses. I have to protect my family . Sliske will pay for what he has done by my hands."

"Is that why you were late?"

"Yes. Plus, my shipments are being raided."

"I heard that you think there's another mole? Or something in your computer is watching you and reporting back to Sliske?"

"Yeah, I'm still waiting for Brandon to get back to me on that."

"So what are you going to do in the meantime? If you don't have product won't you lose 'customers'."

"Some, yes, but the smart ones will wait or I'll bring them down with Sliske. For now, we steal from Sliske."

"Why do I feel like that's making a bad situation worse?" I said

"We have to survive until this passes."

I nodded.

"You're clearly the brain of the operation, Brandon is your Tech Guy, what does Michael do?" I asked. 

"He sets up the drops and finds new customers who are willing to buy in bulk."

"Aaahh a salesmen", I said

"You could say that. Anymore questions, love?"

"Your word is your bond. All I can do is trust you for now. So no" I guess.

"Come for a drive with me. It's nice outside you can then see some countryside scenic views of France".

"Do we have to go through the basement?" My heart rate increased.

"No, you don't ever have to go down there if you don't want to."

"Okay" I said in a small voice "Give me a second to change and get ready?"

"Of course, I'll be waiting downstairs". He turned and walked out of the room.

I sat on the bed for a few moments processing what he said. My word is my bond. I hope so.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ