Never heard of it.

I really didn't have to do anything just agree with whatever Celine said. Every little possible thing she thought of , from the dresses, to photos and color schemes and more. We planned for nine  hours, then Celine was finally satisfied.

"This is wonderful, so much easier than expected. The day after Christmas and you'll officially be Mrs. Caffery. I'll have the dressmakers come by tomorrow to get your measurements and show you some samples for dresses."

"For me too?" Kairi said.

"Of course!"

Satisfied with her days work Celine turned and walked out the door leaving me and Kairi. "The weddings going to be like my fairly tale book".

"Yup" and I gave her a weak smile.

I looked over to the clock 5:13.

"Hey, do you want to help me get ready for uumm umm..."

"Your date!?" Kairi said excited.

"Ya, we're going to call it that."


She hopped off my lap and ran to my room and I followed behind her. When we reached the room I saw someone had cleaned here.

"Come on!" Kairi shouted from a room I hadn't looked in.

Nice wall in closet.

All of my purchases from yesterday  were hung neatly together. I found Kairi in the back standing in front of a three mirror on a platform holding some very sexy lingerie. I didn't buy that and there's no way I bought that at home. "This, this, wear this!"

Shocked and embarrassed I came up with an excuse, "I think it's a little cold outside for that don't you?"

"O right, then this one!" She pulled the red dress out shaking it. Yesterday felt so long ago, I had forgotten about it. I decided why not? Kairi was loving playing real dress up, for child she did a really good job of picking items out. She picked the red dress, a black pair of heels, a bracelet and long earrings . Diamonds no doubt. I decided to go with big Southern curls and a thick lose French braid to act as a headband for my hair and a bold red lip for makeup. Kairi watch me intensely, "You look like a princess."

Smiling at her I said, "Only because of your help!"

We heard a knock at the door and walked out to see Brandon standing at the door.

"Have you seen a little munchkin running around here?"

I sidestepped and let Kairi go to her Dad. "You causing trouble?" Brandon said playfully picking her up.

"No, I helped plan the wedding and we played real dress up"

Brandon turned his head and said,"You look nice. Going out?"

Kairi interrupted and said,"Uncle Adam asked her on a date. He didn't ask right though ".

We both ignore that comment, "Thanks for watching her today."

"No problem, it didn't even feel like babysitting". And then I had a wild thought,"You know if Cecilia ever wants a day off or doesn't work out I can watch Kairi I don't have much going on, free of charge".

"Really? That would work perfectly seeing as Cecilia just quit. She couldn't handle yesterday's excitement."

I feel you, Cecilia.

"So do I have the job? I have a clean background and references if you like?"

"If you don't mind it, it would help me out; not having to go searching again. It's just watching her until I get done with work I'm in the South part of the astate over the hill in the back."

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now