Almost there!

I set off the alarms with the first key which was to a Porsche; the second was for the Maserati. I saw her stumbling down the steps coming towards me.

Bang! Bang!

That's seven she's out!

I picked up a handful of keys and ran down a line of cars. The last key was to a SUV at the very end of the garage.

Almost there!

I had my hand on the door knob. When the women grabbed my hair and slung me to the ground. She knocked my head against the concrete, my head was swimming. She climbed on top of me and started to choke me while reaching for my gun. I head-butted her and grabbed the gun back, we struggled trying to point the gun at each other. I bit her finger and took control of the gun, took a deep breath and fired.


Head shot

Her body when limp and fell on top of me, her blood covered my face and sports bra.

With tears in my eyes and a ringing in my ears I pushed the body off of me. I lay still, turning my head and saw the dead body.

I killed someone.

The car alarms must have been still going off I couldn't hear them, I just saw the lights flashing. I had a constant tinnitus ring in my ears. I made myself get up.

I carried the gun close to my chest afraid to let it go, I only put it down briefly to lift up the garage door so I could walk out. I walked up the gravel road dazed and confused it was night, I walked through the grass heading straight for the house. As I got closer to the house, I saw there had to be at least 40 military style guards outside they were war ready. I walked towards them. Thomas was walking the grounds with two other men.

"Hey buddy!"

The men instantly pointed their huge assault rifles at me. Thomas walked towards me concerned and shocked, I couldn't hear anything he was saying everything sounded muffled.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

He tried to repeat himself and the other two other men tried get me to understand as well. I still heard nothing but ringing. All the lights in the house came back on with a blinding affect.

They men radioed something to someone and Thomas led me to the front door. I wiped my feet on the door mat and put my gun on safety. I stood in the foyer with Thomas and the two other men left us to go upstairs. Thomas tried to talk to me again but I still heard nothing.

I yelled back at him, "Are the boys okay? Is Kairi safe?"he shook his head yes.

Thomas handed me a washcloth that he pulled from his Kevlar Jacket. My brain couldn't register what to do; I was crying silently covered in blood.

Wash your face.

I went back to the door and took off my shoes.

Mom would have killed me if I ever tracked dirt, dust or blood through the house. I sank to the floor with my back against the door keeping the gun close to my heart. Thomas stood close by.

A few minutes passed by, I felt eyes on me. I looked up the staircase and saw Adam, Michael, Brandon and an older couple coming towards me. Adams ran down the stairs to me. When he reached me he pulled me in for a big hug and kissed me hard.

I like that. I want more.

He tried to talk to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying . Michael, Brandon and the older couple all came to me saying things.


Adam examined my face and body like I was piece of fine art.

A fine mess.

Adam tried to take the gun from me but I pulled away from him like he had burnt me. He dropped it and let me keep it. Adam held me close and I rested my head on his shoulder.

You smell good.

I knew they were talking about me but I had no idea what was being said. . Feeling like someone should know about the body I announced, "There is a dead body in the garage. I shot the mole in the head."

They started talking again in muffled tones; the women rubbed my back and tried to lead me up the stairs. She had a kind soft face framed with long brown hair; blue green eyes and a small petite figure.

Mom, she's the mom.

Adam didn't let go of my waist as we walked slowly up the stairs. Adam turned his head and said something back to the group and they disbursed.

Caffery (The Drug Lord's Wife #1)Where stories live. Discover now