Chloe Mathis' Case

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"There are such things as demons, the humans themselves are ones."

Kelly: So Chloe Mathis huh? It sounds like you know her Amanda.

Tammy: Same goes for you Roxie. Why is that?

Roxie: She...Used to be a friend of ours...Before she got bullied...

Dustin: W-Was she bullied because of her weight?

Amanda: Most likely...She was also been hurt by a lot of comments online.

Katie: You mean...?

Owen: Cyberbullying...

Figure: Seriously. Because of that? What's wrong with you people?! You always got to bully others even if it's about their weight? Man you guys are so frustrating. Always looking for an excuse to bully others.

Owen: Hey! We get it!

Figure: Just like pointing out the obviousness~!

Beverly: You...Really have a thing aganist bullies...

Figure: Yep~!

Kelly: Now how do we know you didn't bullied anyone...?

Amanda looked up at Kelly with her eyebrows lifted up . That was a good question.

Figure: I would never do something so horrible. Of course, that would ruin the purpose of this game! The 'Bully' is always going to be one of you! Apparently SOMEONE didn't want their secret pinned to them! But, that's not why I kidnapped you all here. I kidnapped you here to see you all turned aganist one another and watch some motherfuckers suffer! Now let the trial begin!

Kelly: So that means since you were close to her once. You guys had to know who bullied her...

Charlie: So...Who did?

Amanda sighs to herself. This case actually feels kinda easy because she already knows who did it.

Roxie: The person was the queen bee of Northwest.

Amanda: Isn't that right, Katie?


Beverly: So you did it.

Katie: What are you talking about. I didn't do anything!

Roxie: But we saw you bully her! We're the witnesses and we saw you did it! Confess already!

Katie: I....I...

Amanda: You were involved in her bullying whether you like or not. I'm sorry but Katie...You bullied Chloe Mathis.


Beverly: But...Why you did it? Why did you did all that to her...?

Katie: Please...Let me explain...

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