I was going to go home today but I didn't feel like driving anywhere so I was just going to stay with Sam. " Katrina come outside, we need to do a video together on Kailee's channel" Sam asked as I ran outside and saw everyone talking. " Okay guys we are here" Colby said as him and Kailee came outside with all of the camera equipment from their room. They set it up and we sat in a row (Aaron & Buddy, Sam & Katrina, Kailee & Colby, Corey &Devyn, Elton & Circa). We then started the video.

Kailee's POV

This was my first time having everyone in one video and I was kinda nervous but I also was really excited. Me and Colby got the equipment from our room and set it up and everyone sat down (^^^).

"HEY GUYS" I screamed as everyone looked ta me " wow that was loud" Corey said while everyone started laughing. " Okay hey guys today I have a lot pf spectral guys here with me to day" I said while pointing at everyone. " Hey" Elton said while looking at the camera then Circa went up to the camera and licked it, we all ran up to Circa and stopped her . We all then started laughing. " Today we have" I said while pointing down to Elton " I'm Elton and this is Circa" he said while petting Circa then looking at me like he didn't know what to do and then we all started laughing " I'm Devyn " she said while waving at the camera and smiling " I'm Corey" Corey said while Devyn sat on his lap and looking at Colby while trying not to laugh  " I'm Colby" he said while laughing a little bight  " I'm Katrina, okay how am I supposed to say my name when everyone is laughing" she said while laughing to " Sam" Sam said very seriously then everyone looked at him and started laughing. We all then started at Aaron and he looked at us "what I have to have everyone stair at me while I say my name" Aaron said while I looked at him " yes know say your name" Devyn said while we all laughed " fine...this is Buddy and I'm Aaron" he finally said " and this is my family" I said while I put a compilation of our lives together.         

" Okay Okay" I said while everyone stopped laughing and looked at the camera. " You may not like us you may think we do stupid shit but that's just how our family works...that's how my family works" I said while we all went in for a group hug.

"Okay okay know for the not sad part" Devyn said " Q & A" Corey screamed from the top of his lungs. We all laughed then took out our phones " okay so we all twitted out that we were going to do a Q&A and we got some really good question" I said while we all pulled up our questions "okay who is going first" Elton said while looking at everyone " I'll go" Aaron said while reading his question " what is your favorite thing about your roommates and your least favorite and you have to name all of them?" he said while laughing, everyone just looked t him with a smile on our faces. 

" okay um Sam my favorite thing about you is that you are not a person that gives up early and my least favorite thin about you is sometimes you can be to nice to people" he said " what why does everyone say that" Sam said while looking at everyone " IT'S TRUE" we all screamed "what really" he said " yeah...sorry Sam" Corey said " gosh dang it" Sam said while laying his head on his hands " okay um Katrina um I don't know you that well and i know that may sound really bad but I will answer these questions so...Katrina my favorite thing about you is that you keep everyone happy no matter what and my least favorite thing about you is your a little to loud" he said very hesitantly " WHAT " Katrina said then she lowered her voice and everyone looked at her then she started laughing " ohhh okay know I get it" she said " Kailee my favorite thing about you is that you are very helpful when it comes to problems or things people can or don't feel comfortable telling other people..you usually keep it a secret and know my least favorite thing about you is that you talk about how fat you are or how you come plane about how you look" he said I just looked at him " Colby I think you should fix that about her" he said while looking at Colby. "Okay know Colby my favorite thing about you is that you are super inspiring and my least favorite thing about you is that when you prank someone you usually do it to a person who hasn't even pranked you" he said while Colby just looked at him with a serous face then laughed " Corey my favorite thing about you is that you are usually the only one who does skits with me and my least favorite thing about you is probably when we go to an amusement part you will never go on anything" Aaron said while Corey nodded in agreement while smiling " okay know Devyn my favorite thing about is that you get alone with Buddy the most and I could away rely on you for watching him when I'm not home and my least favorite thing about you is..... when you get super shy" he said "What I never act shy around you guys what are you talking about" Devyn said confused " I don't know " Aaron said while going on to Elton " okay Elton my favorite thing about you is probably how much of like a dad you are to all of us, like when ever there is something wrong or someone is hurt you are the first person who would be helping and my least favorite thing about you is when you take PRANKS WAY TO FAR" he said while everyone looked at Elton " know you have to do Circa and not Buddy just because you said that" Elton said while pointing to Circa " fine Circa my favorite thing about you is that you are a great dog and my least favorite thing about you is that you come with Elton" Aaron said while running away and Elton chasing after him. 

Aaron ran into he pool area and Elton pushed him in the pool. " Common boys" I said while Colby acme up behind me and pushed me in the pool then jumped in after me " WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR"I said while everyone else jumped in the pool. We all then got out freezing and warring hoodies and wrapping our self with blankets and finishing the video. " Okay know I go" Corey said " why did you agree with moving in with Elton, Aaron Devyn,Colby, Katrina,Sam, and Kailee?"  Corey said " well they were my best friends and I thought about how much fun I would have if I were living with my best friends and I was wright it's awesome.. you know those like really cool moments in a movie were there is this one group of friends that you wish you could be apart of well this is my group of friends like that" he said  

Adventure -Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now