Whole Lotta Woman

Start from the beginning

How had I run from Adam on my first night here I am more tired now? Oh right, fear the great motivator.

The next song started to play it was Fifth Harmony's Boss. Kairi wasn't moving as much to this one, just a lot of head swinging. One beat into the next song and all the girls screened yes! I looked at Kairi in the mirror and who told me, "We just practiced this one". This one was going to be hard; the song was Boom-Boom by French Montana.

The instructor came back to the front of the class and started to clap and then counted out "Five, six, seven, eight and one, two..." We launched into a choreographed dance that was the real workout. The instructor had us do everything from high kicks to splits, rolls and spins.

After doing the same choreography for a bit I was confident enough to not look at Kairi. I glanced back to see the boys smiling at us.

Was Michael recording me, freak.

We finished the song and it was definitely played on loop and Kairi held up her hand for a high-five. I told her "You are killing it!" as we high-fived. 

Kairi turned back around and the instructor announced to the class, "Okay ladies last song let's finish strong" the instructor played Bang Bang by Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj and Jessie J.

Last song I can finish strong.

For this song the girls clearly had learned some choreography for it but, Kairi seemed to forget. She became nervous and stopped. I leant forward and told her, "Do anything it's just me and you in the mirror". That seemed to calm her and she started to bounce around again.

"Great hustle ladies we'll break now, remember your show dance should be around 1 minute".

Kairi came over to me still excited, immediately showing me the routine she wanted to do. I told her frankly I don't think I can do most of it. Her body was a thousand times more flexible than mine.

She decided to simplify her moves and told me she wanted to dance to Kelly Clarkson's Whole Lotta Woman . Since she only came up with about 30 seconds of choreography, I sprinkled in some of the moves I could remember from Emily and Hanna's dance from Pretty Little Liars. And we had our routine.

We practice it through twice but it was more than enough for me to remember it. The instructor called time and we all formed a semicircle around her. There were only four other girls in the class now.

The instructor asked for volunteers all the girls but Kairi's hand shot up. The first girl Emily and her mom danced to Todrick Hall's Low. They had clearly been practicing for more than 10 minutes. Everyone clapped and then the next parent duo took the stage with Rihanna's Rockstar. Okay, I was getting pissed clearly these moms had practiced and were ready for an audience. The next girl danced to Taylor Swift's 22, and again had clearly practiced before now.

Finally, it was our turn I pushed off the ground and looked to Kairi and said "Let's do this!" She nervously got up and took the stage with me. The music started to play and I started to move but Kairi didn't.

Uh-oh stage-fright.

I looked to Adam and Michael who were standing ready to take her out of the situation. I held my hand up to them to gesture no. I knelt down to look Kairi in the eye and told her, "Remember it's just you and me, if you get scared just look at me."

Fighting back tears she said, "I'm going to mess up, I can't."

I told her, "You have seen me mess up all day and I didn't give up. Now, I need you not to give up right now. You can do this" I held out my pinky and she took it "I pinky promise you can do it!"

I looked to the teacher and said, "Redo!" She started the music again and this time we took off. Kairi only had to look at me a couple of times, but other than that she did better than me.

The class clapped and Kairi was glowing she beamed happiness.

"DADDY!"Kairi screeched.

She ran over to a man who was in his early thirties curly brown hair and deep green eyes.

Sexy must be a dominant gene in this family.

The teacher dismissed the class and I walked back over to Adam and Michael.

"Well, pretty good, aren't I?"

Michael took one hand and beat his chest, "You are truly a woman after my heart. That ass is like an onion, it brought tears to my eyes"

"You're disgusting, there are kids here". I looked to Adam and he was smiling at me, was that blush I saw on his face? He quickly, looked away to the man Kairi had ran to. The man carrying Kairi walked over to us. He was wearing a white shirt with a leather jacket and blue jeans


"I didn't know you two were going to stick around, you could have brought her home then." There was a lightness to him.

"Well we couldn't miss the show" Adam said stretching. Kairi immediately started talking at a thousand miles an hour, her dad hung on every word. She only talked about me but he listen to her as if she were giving him nuclear launch codes.

He turned to extend his hand to me for a handshake," Hello there, I'm Brandon."

The hackerman.

Storing that deep away I took his hand and said, "Hello, I'm Jennifer".

"Pleasure to meet you, I only wish it was on better circumstances."

He knew.

"Daddy! Did you see us dance!?" 

"Yes, I did! Where did that come from?" Kairi smiled and hugged the crook of his neck. He put her down and told her to go to her nanny. She did.

As soon as Kairi was out of earshot Brandon said, "Did you guys know that Dad is coming to town? His flight is due to land in two hours".

That changed the whole atmosphere.

Adam immediately went back into boss mode. He hooked arms with me and told the group, "Not here." 

We made our way back to the cars and as soon as I slid in next to Adam Kairi called out "My bag, I forgot my bag!"

Looking at Adam I said, "I'll get it"

I rushed back into the studio and found the pink bag in a corner. As I picked it up I turn to face the instructor,"You are Mrs. Caffery?"

"Uuummmm...soon to be, yes, why?"

"A man brought this for you. He said he kept missing you and figured you would end up here. How lucky is he that you did? Anyways you did a great job today I hope to see you again maybe at the talent show we are putting on." She turned and walked back into the studio.

I held the long envelope in my hand it was addressed to Mrs. Caffery.

That's weird no one knows I'm here except the Caffery Brothers.

I stuffed the envelope in the side of my legging and smoothed it out. I quickly walked back to the car and got in. I tossed Kairi back her bag.

"Thank you!" She said

"You're very welcome".

Adams looked at me almost like he could sense I was hiding something, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, all that exercise just took out of me. Where are Michael and Brandon?"

"They had to run some errands for me they'll be back later".


With his eyes still on me he told the driver, "Main house".

He knows!

But, after a few moments later he turned his head and looked out the window.

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