Chapter 28- Kissing Urgh Lips touching xD

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First of  all khamsahamnida for 5K+ reads . Yo sweet-potatoes are the best bubs !!!
With your love , 'Lucky me!' Will definitely grow !!
A longer chapter for yo bubs !!
Sarangheyo !!


" Give me double chocolate with caramel toppings please ! "

I was enjoying watching him from behind as he was ordering his favourite flavour on the counter . Some evil thoughts popped in my brain so I stepped forward to tease him a bit .

" And one Oreo cookies with double Nutella topping too . "

I suddenly moved and stood extremely close to him as my arm rubbing his and tilting my head in his direction . He tried to kept his posture composed but I clearly could see . He gulped .

He must be thinking why on earth I was here . Well my presence there was quite believable because its one of my dad's ice-cream parlour chain . Yes he's too into food that he owns many food chains of different types of foods and edibles . Its not like I give a shit about his business and all but he asked me in the morning to check on the festivities going on here . Its weekend so I agreed .

To be honest , I secretly thanked my dad for sending me here when I saw Jimin entering through the door .

" Oh you're here Jimin ? What a coincidence ! "

I faked surprised expressions . Its gonna be entertaining .

" Uhm Yeah . "
He replied without looking at me . Just then the counter-guy brought our ice-creams .

" Your order , Sir ! "

I quickly grabbed Jimin's ice-cream from his hand to give it to him myself . His hesitation was quite visible through his expressions .

Suddenly I felt my heart warming from his nervousness . I think of just leaving everything here and place my lips on his plump ones but I had to end my fantasies because ,

We were here in the ice-cream parlour with a lot of people around us . So just to savour my tempting desires , I feed him ice-cream with his cone still being in my hand and licked mine too .

He was shocked to see whatever  I was doing . He took his cone from my hand and moved to walk out . I was trying to keep my laugh inside my mouth so somehow I managed to smirk for that time , only .

I followed him outside . He was going to nearest park I guess . I don't know if he had idea that i was following him .


This guy seriously has some issue with his brain . As much as i try to avoid any kind of collision with him , he always comes in my way .

And whats with his cute behaviour ? Urgh what Am I even saying .

I shoved his thoughts away from my mind and stroll to appreciate the beauty of the park .

I took my phone out to take a selca with  the beautiful scenery around me .

Timer has been started !

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