Chapter 32-Revelation

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My eyes crept open with the peck of sunshine grazing my skin through curtains of the window . I slightly wiggled and felt a touch against my Adam's Apple .

I pulled myself a few centimetres away just to find Jungkook in my embrace . His slightly parted lips were touching my neck.

My arms were wrapped around him and his grip around my waist was really strong . It wasn't like I tried to move away from him . I didn't want to. I wanted this moment .

Eyeing his delicately sculpted features , I admitted that how hard even I tried but I couldn't hate him . I admitted that at first , my feelings were not as intense as they were now .

Behind the mask of hate , my feelings were growing for him like the beanstalk.

I was tracing his exposed collar bone softly , trying not to awake him while thinking of the moments between us .

I remembered everything.
Clear like a Crystal.

All I was nervous about how he will react when he'll wake up  ?

Although I remember everything but at that moment I wasn't in my senses . But whatever I did earlier  , after waking up , that was surely questionable . I couldn't deny that I was clearly in my senses .

My hand was still caressing his face when I noticed he was trying to open his eyes . My heart stopped beating. I pulled my hand back . I was struggling in my mind to get away from bed or not when He opened his eyes .

His eyes .
Those coffee brown gems possessed in those clear white orbs . At first his irises spread wider . Though situation was quite complicated and the condition we were in — throwing every thought aside , I was drowning in the details of his eyes .

"J-Jimin ?"

I heard him whispering my name with a stutter. His low and sleepy voice sent tingles through my body . Every pore of my skin got alert and reacted as goosebumps.

His eyes were piercing through my eyeballs , answering the questions I was asking myself from the moment I came back to my senses .

Why I did that with him ? What he is to me ? Why I still want to be with him like this , listening each other's synchronised heartbeats ?

For all these questions throbbing my heart , there's just an answer . The final and absolute.

I love him .

Both of us shoved the duvet away and came out of it at the same time . Realising his half naked body , he tried to clench the duvet to cover himself . Just then , I grabbed his hand making him stop .

He looked at me with his questioning eyes . I answered his question with my eyes and actions . My eyes caught the view of almost a dozen purple marks on his pristine skin . Some were along his neck , trailing from his chest to disrupting the pulchritude of his toned abs .

My hands moved on their accord to touch those marks and he winced. His wincing made me realise how much pain I had given to him . Not even in a second , I felt my eyes pooling over to see him in this state .

"I - I am sorry ! "

Was it enough? Definitely not .

"Hey , don't ..."
He came nearer to wipe the sudden reaction of my eyes through his fingers . I couldn't resist my self from pecking them . He pulled them away in a millisecond .

"You can punish me . I remember everything that I did . "
I said with my head down . I couldn't encourage myself to face him more .


" I hurt you . You didn't deserve this . "
Tears were dripping abruptly from his eyes , soaking in the white creasy sheets .

"Forgive me , Please! "
His plump lips pursed into a thin line .He was trying to restrain his sobs .But it couldn't help much .

It felt like the cold Jimin was gone . The real and kind Jimin was back —but with sobs .

"Hey , just don't—Aish ! Your headache would go worse this way . "

He gawked at me innocently as if I made him realise that he got up from a drunken state and he must be having a hangover .

"Let's get you some coffee and hangover soup! "

I got up from the bed , searched for my shirt and buttoned it up on me .

"Uh , I think you should have a shower first . "

He said , looking everywhere but me . Though he was right .

"Alright , I'll be quick . "


Jimin was playing with the hem of his shirt when I came out of the bathroom . Our eyes met and after a while he averted his gaze . I thought to see through my self to find the reason .

Oh !
I was just in a towel wrapped around my lower torso while water dripping from still wet hair .

Jungkook couldn't notice how Jimin's earlobes were turning red .

Then next thing I saw , he got up from the bed and went out of the room .

Ouch .

Things are turning awkward.

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