Dirty Secrets

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Cristiano's POV:
I got up and got ready for training. Everyone was already up when I went downstairs. "Is Taylor still sleeping" Lio asked when I came in the kitchen. "Ya she is very very tired" I said with a smirk on my face. He stopped eating his food and looked at me, Gerard started laughing.

Once I got into the dressing room I went to my locker and started to get ready. "Nice hickey" Toni said looking over at me, I look down and there was a big one on my chest. "Oh ya about that" I said putting on my shorts and turning towards him. "Look he has one there too" Gareth said pointing at my waist line, I put my shirt on to cover them up. "Next time I'm gonna be pointing out urs" I said looking at Gareth.

After training I had to drive Gareth, Sergio and Marcelo home. "Hey ugh Cris these wouldn't happen to be from last night would they" Sergio asked holding up a pair of panties, I grabbed them from him and put them on the floor by my feet. "Yes" I said and started the car. Sergio and Marcelo looked at each other and started moving. "Relax it wasn't there" I said making them sit normal then Gareth looked at me. "Not there ether" I said driving. The three of them looked at me. "Yes" I said. The three did their laughing and saying all the dirty stuff. I dropped them off and went home.

"Hey Tay u left these......" I stoped when I seen that Messi and Gerard where still there. I put my hand down hopping they didn't see but they did. Lio looked at Tay, Gerard was looking at him waiting for him to say something. "These are mine" I said and turned around and went upstairs. Tay came up behind me. "I didn't know they were still here" I said. "It's fine I think Lio will recover" she said walking into our room. "How was ur training" she asked looking at me. "It was good, I got teased for what u left on me last night" I said looking at her. "U must have ur pants real low" she said.

She walked away and into the bathroom. I didn't see but I could hear her getting sick. "Cris" she said from in the bathroom. "Ya" I said and walked to the bathroom, she looked at me and didn't say anything. "I think I need to take a test" she said looking at the floor then at me with a small smile. "Do u have one" I asked. "No.." I cut her off. "I'll go get one" I said and left to go get one.

Taylor's POV:
Antonella came into my room. I must have been here a while waiting for Cris to get back. "Hey what are u doing up here alone" she asked walking in. "Waiting for Cris to come back with a pregnancy text" I said looking at her. Her eyes opened so wide. "Ur pregnant" she asked practically screaming. "Sssshh" I said. "Idk yet I think I might be" I told her. Cris came into the room and gave me the box.

The three of us went back downstairs and sat in the living room with everyone else. "Cris where did u go" Gerard asked. "I needed tampons" I said before Cris could say anything, Gerard looked at me. "Ok" he said and looked back at the tv.

Shakira and Antonella came upstairs with me, I just said we were gonna go threw my clothes. "What does it say" Shakira said looking at me then at Antonella.

Cristiano's POV:
All of a sudden we heard the girls upstairs screaming and being all happy. "Omg" I said kinda loud. "What" Lio said looking at me. "I think I left a candle on in the bathroom upstairs" I said and just got up and walked upstairs and stoped at our bedroom down and looked at Taylor. She nodded her head smiled, I walked in as my legs got weaker. She hugged me, I put my arms around her. "I have something important to tell u" I said looking at her. "What" she said. "I......." I was just having a long pause and couldn't tell her what I was going to not yet. "I just love u so much" I said faking a smile and hugged her again.

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