Chapter 9

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Cristiano's POV:
I woke up to my phone buzzing in my pocket. I was still half asleep when I answered.

"Hello" I said sitting up.

"U need to come home right now" someone said into the phone, I pulled it away from my ear to see who it was it was Taylor.

"I am on my way what's wrong" I said rubbing my face to wake up a little bit.

"I'm having the baby" she said.

I woke up pretty quick when she said that. "Lio how much longer do we got until we are back" I asked.

"About 20 minute" he said looking back at me.

"We will be home in 20 minutes, where are u" I asked.

"The hospital, idk if I can wait the contractions are really bad" she said, I felt like being sick I didn't want to miss this.

"Ok if we don't make it Lana and Antonella are gonna have to be there with u" I said trying to stay calm for her.

"Just get here" she said and hung up.

"What's going on" Lio asked looking back at me again.

"Taylor is having the baby, she said she might not be able to wait she is to far" I told him.

"We will make it don't worry" he said speeding up.

Taylor's POV:
"Where the hell is my husband" I said looking at Lana.

"I'm not sure Neymar isn't answering" she said looking at me "but ur doing good sis" she added.

Antonella came in and looked at me then Lana "Lana do u walk to get a coffee with me and let Taylor relax.

"Yes go and while ur at it find my husband please" I said sitting on the bed not facing them.

Antonella's POV:
Once me and Lana got down the hall a little bit I stoped her. She looked at me with this look like there was something wrong.

"He's not gonna make it is he" she asked as she looked at me.

"They were in a car accident and idk how to tell her" I told her.

"I'm going to see them" she said and walked away from me.

"Wait I'm coming with u" I told her and walked behind her.

We got to the other side of the hospital, I could see Neymar sitting in a chair. We both started to walk towards him but Lana was practically running.

"Neymar" she said as we got closer, he stood up and kissed her then hugged her.

"How are u, what happened, where is Lio and Cris" she asked, the look on his face wasn't to good.

"I'm fine just a little banged up, we were going threw a green light and there was a drunk driver going threw the red and hit us on Cris and Lio's side of the car" he said looking at me for the last part.

"Is Lio gonna be ok what about Cris Taylor is in labor right now he has to be there" I said butting in between them.

"Lio is ok, he got some cuts and a broken arm but Cris idk he was sitting on the middle seat and he got banged around a good bit, he's not looking to good" he said I just wanted to block out everything he said.

"I'm going to see Lio, Lana check on Cris" I said and walked away.

Lana's POV:
I walked down the hall with Neymar to Cris's room, I opened the door slowly, I stood there looking at him for a minute. There was cuts and wires and tubes, he is on a heart monitor. "I have to tell Tay" I said and walked out.

"Tay" I said as I opened the door to her room. Neymar Antonella and Lio came in behind me.

"Where is Cris, there better be a damn good reason why he isn't here" she said looking at us but her facial expression changed when she seen Neymar and Lio's cuts.

"Lio where is he" she whispered.

"Tay he's hurt bad we were in a car accident...." she cut him off.

"Get out" she said sitting on the bed.

"Tay come on ur having a baby don't think about that just think about ur baby" I said and watched her.

"I told u to get out all of u, just get out" she yelled the last get out.

We walked out of her room into the hall way and looked at each other.

"He's gonna make it right" I asked sitting next to Neymar and looked at Lio.
That's this chapter sorry but this one went up a little late but here u go and I hope u like it.

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