Chapter 4

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Taylor's POV:
Today I am 22 weeks pregnant and i'm over half way now. Lana's little secret was about to get much bigger when I walked in on her looking in the mirror without any clothes on the top part of her body, she was in the way I couldn't see anything only the back of her which was very bruised.

"Another bar fight" I said with a angry but serious face.

"Ya this time was bad..." she said but cut her off.

"Ur lying there is no way that all that is coming from bar tending so spit it out and do not lie to me or u are out of this house u can go back and live with Lio and lie to him but u are not pulling that string over my eyes again" I said getting mad.

"Idk what ur talking about" she said and put her clothes back on.

"Lana" I yelled looking at her, she looked at me as her eyes watered. I felt kinda bad but I wasn't gonna get it out of her any other way.

"Ok ok, I told Zack I was pregnant the guy that was here, he had a few to drink and he was happy about it and he asked if he was gonna be a dad and I told him I didn't know if it was his and he hit me that's how I got the black eye and yesterday after work I went over to get my stuff and of course he was drinking and well I fell on the table" she said, this time I believe her she held herself together as she told me but I knew she really wanted to cry the rest of her life away.

I walked over to her and hugged her "why didn't u tell me" I asked

"I didn't know how to" she said, she pulled away when she felt the baby kicking.

"It's a boy" I told her as I looked down then back up.

"I'm so happy for u" she said and hugged me.

"U know I have to tell Cris this I can't keep this from him" I told her.

"I was hopping u wouldn't say that but u can tell him I just really really don't want this to get out" she said looking at me.

"This can't get out, do u work today" I asked her.

"Ya at five, why" she said.

"I will tell him when u aren't here so he doesn't jump the gun with u" I said looking back at her as I stood by the door going to walk out of the room.

Lana left a little while ago but Cris didn't know cuz he was at the gym, when he came into the kitchen I was siting at the table looking out the window but when he came in I looked at him.

"What are u doing sitting here alone" he asked looking at me as he got a water from the fridge.

"Um I got something to tell u and u might want to sit down for this" I said looking at my fingers.

He sat down and looked at me "ur not leaving me are u" he asked.

"What babe no I'm not leaving u, this doesn't have to do with us, it's about Lana" I said.

"What did she do now... I mean what's wrong is she ok" he said smiling then got serious again.

"She is pregnant again" I said and looked at him.

"That's great why did u tell me to sit down" he asked.

"She doesn't know who the father of the baby is and she's working as a bar tender to support the baby" I said.

"Ugh jesus Tay" he said leaning back and moving down his chair a little and put his elbow on the table and his hand on his mouth.

"To make the best of it she wasn't in bar fights the jack ass that was here with her that one time is hurting her because he likes to drink his day away" I said and looked at him, he didn't look to happy.

"Why am I just finding out about this now" he asked and got up.

"She didn't want me to tell u and more importantly so this wouldn't get out so as of right now nothing can be done about this" I told him getting up.

"Where is she I want to talk to her this guy can't get away with hurting her" he said as he started to walk out of the kitchen.

"She is gone she had to go to work" I told him as he stopped.

"This is ridicules she shouldn't have to be working there I'm going to get her" he said going to the door.

I walked out to the door with him "babe please come home this time, I can't lose u again not at a time like this" I said trying not to cry.....hormones.

"Baby I'm never gonna leave u again I promise I will be back" he said and kissed me and left.

When he was out the door I just stood there with my hands on my belly "I love u" I said watching him get in his car.

AN: I changed my mind again that I'm gonna update on Sunday's instead of Monday, I hope u guys don't mind all the changes I have been making lately but I hope u enjoy this chapter.

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