Heat Wave

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Cristiano's POV:
This heat today was unbearable 105. No shirt today just shorts, even then I was sweating. Tay had the kids in swim suits all day and so was she. I was sitting in a chair out side watching the kids play and sipping on a beer. "They are on there way now" Tay said coming over behind me and putting her hands on my shoulders. "Should I start cooking then" I asked looking up at her. "Ya I think that would be a good idea" she said. I got up and hit her butt as I walked past.

Gerard and Shakira showed up and came out into the back yard, they brought their two kids. "Where is Messi" I asked putting a stake on the grill. "He said he had to go to the store" Gerard said walking over to me while Shakira was talking to Tay. "Did u want a drink" I asked. "Please" He said as I walked away to get him one and came back with vodka and sprite.

Messi and Antonella came out into the back yard. "Hey look who showed up" I said looking at Messi and took a sip of my drink. "Easy on the alcohol Ronaldo" he said coming over to me and Gerard. "I'm sober at my house, I don't get drunk here" I said looking at him. Gerard took his shirt off. "It's way hotter here then in Barca" he said putting his shirt on his shoulder. "Ya hottest day of the year" I said looking at Tay and sipped my drink. She looked at me then back at Shakira. All the food was cooked, I brought it over to the table outside. Me, Gerard, Messi and Cristiano are sitting on the out door couch while the girls and rest of the kids sit at the table.

After I finished eating I went over and picked up Tory and put her on my lap so I could sit next to Tay. "Daddy can u help me" Tory said looking up at me. "I sure can" I said picking up her fork with food on it. "She is such a daddy's girl" Tay said looking at Tory. "Where u" I asked looking at Tay. "A little not much I wasn't a mommy's girl ether I was just on my own, so was Leo but Lana was all about our mom" she said eating.

We all finished eating and the kids went and played while we adults sat on the outdoor couch. Tay was leaning back on my chest and I had my arm around her and we both had our feet up on the table. I leaned in to her ear bit the upper middle part so it looked like I just nudged her. She turned to look at me and smiled, I looked at her lips then back at her eyes.

"Dad" Cristiano said coming over in front of me. "Yes" I said looking at him. "Come play with us" he said. I stood up and looked at Messi and Gerard "Are u coming" I asked. They both got up and followed me over and we kicked the ball around with the kids.

After getting the kids to bed and saying goodnight to Antonella and Shakira. Me and Tay went to bed Messi and Gerard were already asleep. Tay took my hand and brought me to our room it was like slow motion for me, she turned around slowly in front of me when we got in our room and I closed the door behind me and locked it. I pulled her over and started to kiss her neck.

I lied there on my back looking up at the ceiling while Tay was cuddled up to my side. I was doing circles with my finger on her arm. "Do u think we should go on another trip" I asked. "Where" she asked. "Where ever u want" I said tilting my head to look at her. "I think maybe Mexico" she said looking up at me. "Ya Mexico would be nice" I said looking at the ceiling again.

We were both almost asleep when I heard a car door close then another one, then the door bell rang. Tay moved so I could get up, I put some clothes on and went down to the door. I opened it and it was Lana and her baby. "I left him" she said looking at me.

Messi's Younger Sister 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz