Chapter 12

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Taylor's POV:
We walked into Gareth's there was people everywhere, I couldn't tell who most of them were from the masks and costumes. Cris took my hand as we walked in looking around. Gareth jumped out from around a corner as scared me. Cris laughed a little.

"Welcome to my spooky Halloween party" he said with a mask just covering his eyes and had a cape on.

"What are u suppose to be" I asked.

"Idk I just threw this on" he said smiling.

"Come with me to get a drink" Cris asked pulling my arm towards the kitchen.

I followed him to the kitchen and got a drink out of the big punch bowl in the middle of the counter. I took a sip and almost spit it out.

"What the hell is in this" I asked looking up at Cris.

"Idk but it's really strong" he said looking away from me taking another sip, when he looked away I thought I seen something.

"Wait look at me again" I said turning his head with my fingers.

"Ya" he said looking down at me then took another sip of his drink.

"I thought ur eyes were glowing" I said looking up at him with a weird look.

"U thought my eyes were glowing" he said probably thinking I was crazy.

"They were I seen it they were red" I told him, he was looking at me weird now.

"Maybe u shouldn't be drinking this punch anymore" he said taking my cup and downed his like it was nothing.

Cris had a mask and cape on for his costume and I am a cat just something simple.

I was talking to Sergios girlfriend and looked outside to see Cris, Gareth, James, Sergio and Marco outside. It had to be at least 0 degrees outside and they were out without coats or anything, James was wearing shorts for his costume.

"Are u serious" I said.

"What are they doing out there, they are going to freeze" she said and looked out the window next to me.

"Cris come inside ur gonna get a cold like that" I said then closed the door again.

They started to come in, i couldn't believe this at all they couldn't not have been cold out there like that, so I played it off and put my arm around Cris's and took him upstairs. But he wasn't cold at all he was warm like he had never been outside.

"Did u take one of those pre work out shakes again or something" I asked stopping him.

"No, why" he said looking away from me and smiling at a guy who walked by.

"What is wrong with u" I said putting my hands on his chest.

"Nothing alright time fine" he said holding my hands and smiling.

"Ok I'm going home u can stay and party and be with ur guy friends but I'm leaving" I said and started to walk away from him then started to go down the stairs.

"Tay wait" he said following me.

"No u can stay" I said stopping in front of him to speak and then left.

Once I left I started to walk home, it wasn't to far about 5-10 minute walk.

After getting home I went upstairs and changed into pj shorts and a cropped tank top, then took off all my make up and got into bed.

Cris came home about an hour later and came into our room and just looked at me.

"Yes" I said looking at him.

"I'm sorry about earlier, my eyes weren't glowing it was probably the light but I know they weren't glowing" he said getting closer "I'm used to being in the cold because I play out in it and no I didn't not drink pre workout" he said taking off his shirt and lied on the bed next to me.

I couldn't help but just look at him, I flicked my book off the bed and got on top of him and started to make out with him, he sat us up.

He went to go for my bra but I didn't have one on. "Wait what are we doing" he asked looking at me.

"You do nothing" I said and pushed him back down and went for his pants. After that we went to sleep.

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