Chapter 3

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Cristiano's POV:
When I woke up this morning Tay was already gone, I got up and went to get Cristiano and Tory up, while I was waiting for the twins to wake up I cooked breakfast for me and the kids.

The twins woke up, I got them fed and changed them to bring them outside to play. After that I put the girls down for a nap then me, Cristiano and Tory watched a movie until the girls got up.

We did almost the same thing over again, got lunch, played and put the girls down for a nap then watched a movie but this time it changed Tay came home.

"Hi babe" she said coming over and kissed me.

"Hi, how was ur day" I asked as she sat next to me on the couch.

"Good u" she said looking at the kids playing

"It was good" I said looking at her, she looked at me her eyes were like they were sparkling.

"What" she asked.

"Nothing" I said and looked away

"Shakira asked us to go to beach with her, Gerard, Antonella and Lio tomorrow" Tay said playing with the zipper on her sweater.

"Ya sure, in Barca" I asked looking at her again.

"Ya the beach is really nice even tho there is hardly anyone there but it's beautiful, Lio used to take me when I first moved to Barca" she said looking at me.

The girls started to cry on the baby monitor, Tay got up and went upstairs to get them.

Taylor's POV:
I went up to the girls bedroom and got them out of their cribs and brought them downstairs.

Lana came in when I came down over the stairs she had a black eye a bad one. "What the hell happened to u" I said putting the girls on the floor and walking over to her.

"Nothing I just got into a little bar fight that's all a miss understand with a girl about a guy that's all" she said and started to walk upstairs, I watched her go to be honest I don't believe her for one second that see got into a bar fight she didn't smell like alcohol at all.

We all ate dinner together, it was very quite just the forks and knifes hits the plates.

I looked over at Lana, she looked like she was gonna be sick, I looked away and she got up and ran from the table, I looked at Cris and got up and followed her.

She was in the bathroom throwing up, I held her hair for her, she looked at me as she sat on the floor. She started crying.

"I'm pregnant again" she said as she put her hair behind her.

"Lana" I said looking away "why were u at a bar then" I asked quietly and closed the door.

"U can't tell anyone and I mean no one" she said looking at me, she looked sacred and honestly I was too to hear what she was gonna tell me.

"Ok I won't" I said as I sat next to her on the floor.

"I don't know who the father is" she said looking at me as she started to cry again.

"What do u mean u don't know isn't it the guys that was here the other night with u" I asked.

"Idk who's it is maybe the guy before him or the guy after idk" she said and looked away, I really didn't know what to say about this "and the reason why I was at the bar is because I work there" she said my eyes winded when she said that I went to say something but she cut me off "and no not what u think I'm bar tending believe it or not I can make a good Virgin Mary" she said and smiled a little.

I smiled a fake smile just to show her I was just a little bit happy with her which I wasn't but what can I do about her.

"Anyway I gotta get ready for work" she said getting up and walked out of the bathroom.

This was a big big secret I was keeping and I really don't know what to do, I went back to the table and sat down, now that she told me that I didn't want to eat at all.

"Is Lana ok" Cris asked looking at me.

"Ya she is ok just a little hungover that's all" I said and picked up my fork.

AN: Just want to let everyone know I'm only going to be posting on Monday now because I'm starting school again so I can have the weekends to upload.

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